Cover Story: Martin Davis shows us how great high school coaches shape the lives of millions of young Americans


‘When it comes to raising our children, we’re all on the same team.’

THIS WEEK, our entire publishing house family of authors is excited to help launch Martin Davis’s book, 30 Days with America’s High School Coaches. To explain the importance of this book, Martin has written a letter to readers that we are featuring as our Cover Story.

ALSO, you will enjoy the short book video we have created for this launch.

Please help us all share this good news. Via social media or email, please share Martin’s letter, and the book video—that is, after you have ordered your own copy of this unique and inspiring book.



Prayer, Study and Trauma in an Era of Rising Antisemitism

The Spiritual Cost of Ongoing Attacks

COMBATTING HATE CRIMES has been a top priority for our authors since our publishing house was founded in 2007 with our first book, Interfaith Heroes. This week, when the world remembers the Holocaust—and Americans nationwide are once again traumatized by a synagogue attack—we are sharing two stories that we hope you will share with friends.

FIRST, Rabbi Lenore Bohm writes, Prayer, Study and Trauma in the wake of the Texas synagogue attack.

SECOND, Stephanie Fenton covers this year’s International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

PLEASE, share these stories with friends on social media or via email. Spreading awareness is one way we all can help to combat the assumptions behind such hate crimes. Watch for Rabbi Bohm’s upcoming book, Torah Tutor, which will begin pre-sale on Amazon in February. Right now, consider reading Mindy Corporon’s Healing a Shattered Soul.



WANT TO SEE ALL THE UPCOMING HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS?—It’s easy to find our annual calendar of global observances. Just remember the web address:



From Our Authors—

James Dozier:

Speaking of Resiliency

FRIDAY, JANUARY 28 this week, marks the 40th anniversary of the worldwide sigh of relief when Major General James Dozier was freed after 42 days of life-threatening captivity by terrorists in Italy. He was the highest-ranking American military officer ever captured by terrorists and his plight made global headlines for more than a month. Especially after Dozier’s retirement from the U.S. Army, he has focused on teaching young people about the spiritual and moral principles that he believes allowed him to survive that kidnapping. He shares his life story and lessons in the 2021 memoir, Finding My Pole Star.


Lucille Sider:

Struggling through COVID, pumpkin pie, prayer and all

LUCILLE SIDER writes, this week, about the deadly predator: COVID. Regular readers have enjoyed Lucille’s columns about her life with friends, plants and prayers. When COVID hit Lucille’s circle, she turned to every resource she could to make it through the infection that has killed so many.


Larry Buxton:

Remembering Desmond Tutu

IN HIS LEADING WITH SPIRIT video, this week, Larry Buxton recalls the mentor for millions: the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who died recently. Larry draws on Tutu’s wisdom in calling this video, ‘I Am Because You Are.’



Faith & Film

Click on this image to learn more about the January 2022 issue of Visual Parables Journal, which includes complete discussion guides to West Side Story, Don’t Look Up, Being the Ricardos and more.

ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Most of his work is freely published. Ed supports his work by selling the Visual Parables Journal, a monthly magazine packed with discussion guides to films. This resource is used coast-to-coast by individuals who love the movies and by educators, clergy and small-group leaders.

Among Ed’s free reviews and columns:











