Cover Story: Master translator Willis Barnstone brings us ‘Poets of the Bible’


LEARN MORE—Our Cover Story this week is an overview of a masterful new series of Bible translations from Willis Barnstone, collected in a single volume. Over many decades, Barnstone’s creative renderings have brought Latin American literature to English-speaking audiences (including the poetry of Borges) and books of the Bible—as well as ancient texts often described as “gnostic.” In this new book Poets of the Bible, Barnstone offers his version of great stories from the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament—and some gnostic works as well. Please, read our story, because you may find this is a perfect gift for a Bible-lover on your shopping list.





BUTTRYS EXPAND WORK—Our ReadTheSpirit team is celebrating with Daniel and Sharon Buttry in their newly announced partnership with the century-old Central Seminary in Kansas. This week, the Buttrys and the seminary staff posted this news story about plans for this collaborative work. ReadTheSpirit online magazine—and our related publishing house—have been collaborating with Daniel Buttry for many years. We publish four of his books about international, cross-cultural peacemaking. Here is Dan’s author page, where you can learn more about him and find links to all four books. Central Seminary is part of the Buttrys’ American Baptist Churches USA, a denomination with a long history of encouraging and supporting diversity.




SUZY FARBMAN brings us inspiring real-life stories, each week. This time, while taking a lengthy plane ride, she discovered the remarkable story of her seat-mate: As a young woman from Kentucky, Karen Raff and her friend decided to see life as an adventure. Their cross-continental travels led them to many surprises, including the discovery of love and friendship along the way.





Want to see all the holidays? Remember

HAILE SELASSIE’S BIRTHDAYColumnist Stephanie Fenton reports on this annual celebration for Rastafari communities worldwide. The late Ethiopian leader is regarded as a divine figure, so Selassie’s birthday is an auspicious occasion.

OBON—This international celebration has roots in Japanese culture, Buddhism and Confucianism as well, honoring ancestors through practices including dance and lanterns. Stephanie has the story—including links to inexpensive Do-It-Yourself lanterns.





ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Most of his work freely published at Ed supports his work by selling the Visual Parables Journala monthly magazine packed with complete study guides to films. This resource is used coast-to-coast by individuals who love the movies and by educators, clergy and small-group leaders.

Among Ed’s latest free movie reviews are:






