Cover Story: Perfect time for autumn book shopping

THE FLAVORS OF FAITH—As the calendar turns to November, it’s time to shop for books as we plan ahead for year-end holidays. Today, we are featuring a perfect pre-Thanksgiving book, The Flavors of Faith: Holy Breads by Lynne Meredith Golodner. Sharing food is a cornerstone of virtually every faith on the planet. In her book, this veteran author and food writer invites us to circle the globe, then step into our kitchens to make breads from sacred Native American, Jewish, Christian and Muslim traditions. These delicious recipes—and the stories behind them—make fun and tasty additions to your year-end gatherings with friends and family. Want to learn more? First, there’s our bookstore resource page for Lynne’s book. In addition, you may enjoy reading this interview with Lynne. And, to sample a bread that is included in the book, check out this FeedTheSpirit column by Bobbie Lewis about her family’s version of challah.


DON’T MISS ONE! Just remember this simple Web address to find all of the upcoming holidays, festivals and anniversaries.

DANCING LIGHTS IN THE DARKNESS—November is a month when the world reflects on the eternal interplay of light and darkness, especially in the darkening Northern Hemisphere. Our November-themed column looks at a number of observances coming up, including Diwali and Kristallnacht as well as Thanksgiving.

FEED THE SPIRIT—“As soon as there’s a nip in the air, I know it’s chili season,” FeedTheSpirit’s Bobbie Lewis writes this week. Plus, of course, she also provides a delicious recipe—this one adding butternut squash to a bean-based chili.

AND NEW THIS WEEKGuest writer Kim North Shine comes to FeedTheSpirit this week with a story about a young entrepreneur following one of the hottest food trends this year: a subscription service to receive a special box of sweet treats each month. This new service is called Bocandy and serves up such unusual tastes as roasted seaweed. And, yes, there’s a recipe—for good old-fashioned Rocky Road Squares.






LEST WE FORGET—Remembrance and commitment to justice are the goals of the annual Kristallnacht anniversary. On the night of November 9, 1938, Jews in Germany and Austria were terrorized by mobs breaking glass. Our Kristallnacht column, this year, recommends a number of resources for individuals and teachers to use from the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.





1,200 is a treasure trove of movie reviews by veteran faith-and-film expert Edward McNulty.



One of our guiding principles: Good media builds good community. What does that mean? Enjoy these stories …

SUZY FARBMAN—This week, GodSigns columnist Suzy Farbman writes about a former classmate: Merrill “Mimi” McLoughlin whose career as a famous journalist (she and her husband were co-editors of US News) has taken her far and wide. Her great vocation has been sharing the stories of remarkable men and women, including Alaskan Willie Hensley who grew up along the Bering Sea.



STORIES CIRCLING THE GLOBE—The couple in this photo are Lance and Christina Muteyo, whose names greet readers on the dedication page of Daniel Buttry’s inspiring new book We Are the Socks. They just received their copy in Zimbabwe as the book continues to make its way around the world. Order your Socks now to discover dozens of inspirational stories about peacemakers worldwide. Read about Dan’s adventure in writing this new book. And, in a short video, Dan tells the surprising story behind the title.

INTERFAITH PEACEMAKERS—You’ll enjoy more than 100 stories of men and women who dared to cross boundaries in Buttry’s main website: InterfaithPeacemakers

And, the Comedic Advisor to the Pope …

GOOD NEWS TRAVELS FAR & WIDE: If you’re just catching up with our newsletter—here’s our story about Rabbi Bob Alper beating out 4,000 comics around the world to become Honorary Comedic Advisor to the Pope. Since that big “win,” news stories keep popping up, including:

Want to catch one of Bob’s shows? He’ll be performing November 7 at the South Huntington Jewish Center in Melville, New York (on Long Island). Information about this event is on the center’s website.



