Cover Story: Plan now to mark Reformation’s 500th anniversary

Understand Our Turbulent History

LUTHER 2017—”Plan now!” That’s what popular author Benjamin Pratt advises all of us—after having taken his own tour through the sites where Martin Luther set off an explosive change in global culture 500 years ago.

How important is this anniversary? In 2007, when our staff launched ReadTheSpirit magazine, our first words to readers were: “We haven’t seen times like these in 500 years.” That’s right: We were advising readers, a decade ago, to begin preparing for this anniversary as a way to understand the turbulent changes in world culture and conflict.

Start your reading this week with Benjamin Pratt’s column about the anniversary. At the start of Ben’s column, we’ve added an Editor’s Note explaining the historical significance. Then, at the end of Ben’s column, you’ll find additional helpful links, ranging from the history of the Reformation to German-sponsored tourism websites that can help you find fascinating places and events to explore.




Values of Love and Life

SPEAKING OF REFORMATION—A major change in religious values over the past half century is the widespread practice of living together before marriage. Author and nationally known Christian ethicist David Gushee was included among the scholars included in this very thoughtful story about the issue by Greg Warner of Baptist News.




CHECK OUT ALL THE HOLIDAYS—It’s as simple as visiting where you’ll find all of 2017’s major observances listed. Plus—right now, we’re inviting readers to look over that new calendar and alert us, please, if you spot an occasion we’ve missed.

PLAN AHEAD FOR KING DAY—This year, millions of Americans plan to mark the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. in a more purposeful way. It’s coming on January 16, so plan ahead by reading our holiday story by Stephanie Fenton.




CONVERGENCE ON THE COURTThis week, Suzy Farbman’s GodSigns column features tennis pro Tony Acosta. Through a remarkable convergence on his court—Tony discovered he had a life-threatening heart ailment.




ED McNULTY—Enjoy all of the free resources from Ed McNulty’s faith-and-film website:

Among Ed’s latest movie reviews are:





