Cover Story: Public school teacher William Meyer shares the good news about meditation in 2 new books


MEET THE AUTHOR—This week, David Crumm interviews high school teacher, educational consultant and author William Meyer. In his new books, Meyer describes how he developed a meditation practice for his students, which was embraced by other teachers—and the larger community as well. Many of the long-time readers of our online magazine regularly meditate. Most of us would like to share this helpful practice with others, but we wonder if people would welcome such an offer. Meyer’s approach to expanding meditation opportunities involved lowering many of the potential barriers to acceptance. Please, share this good-news story with friends, this week.



No, Secularization Isn’t a Global Trend

AHEAD of the TREND—Long-time religion writer Richard Cimino writes this month’s Ahead of the Trend column for the scholarly Association of Religion Data Archives. Drawing on two newly published studies, Cimino reports that religious and secularizing forces actually appear to be in a global stalemate. What many observers perceive as an inevitable move away from religion turns out to be the legacy of changes that took place decades ago.



Holidays & Festivals

Welcome to Autumn

EQUINOX & MABON—Holidays & Festivals columnist Stephanie Fenton has the story about the change of seasons—and how many pagans continue to mark the occasion as Mabon.

MESKEL—Ethiopian Orthodox Christian and Eritrean Orthodox Christian communities will stage processions and light bonfires to recall an ancient story involving the “true cross.” Stephanie Fenton has the story.

MICHAELMAS—Search for an aster blossom, make a blackberry crumble or bake a bannock today: It’s Michaelmas, the Christian feast for St. Michael the Archangel.

NAVARATRIHindus begin the nine-night religious festival known as Sharad Navaratri, an ancient festival that emphasizes the motherhood of the divine and femininity.

BLESSING OF THE ANIMALSAre you an animal lover looking for a St. Francis-themed blessing, this year? As Stephanie Fenton reports, the actual holiday is on Friday October 4—which means that congregations offering these services may do so as early as September 29 or perhaps later in October. If you are interested, check local listings.

Jewish High Holy Days

ROSH HASHANAHAt sundown on Sunday September 29, this year, the Jewish High Holy Days begin with the New Year 5780. Do you know someone who is Jewish? Get ready to wish him or her L’shanah tovah—“For a good year!”

Care to see all the holidays? It’s easy to find our annual calendar of global observances—just remember the address




SUZY FARBMAN—This week, Suzy writes about taking a “sisters trip” to New York City—and beyond. As Suzy and her sister Anne spotted various “GodSigns,” they even wound up connecting with the moon. Readers of her memoir GodSigns will recall that a full moon appears on her book cover. Enjoy the adventure, this week.



Online Opportunities for Authors are Endless

FRONT EDGE PUBLISHING—In this week’s FEP column, Marketing Director Susan Stitt shares some of her techniques for helping authors to connect with media professionals who are eager to help spread their messages.



Click this photo to read Ed's review of the documentary One Child Nation.

Click on these movie stills to learn more about the September 2019 issue of Visual Parables Journal.Faith & Film

ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Most of his work is freely published. Ed supports his work by selling the Visual Parables Journal, a monthly magazine packed with discussion guides to films. This resource is used coast-to-coast by individuals who love the movies and by educators, clergy and small-group leaders.

Among Ed’s free reviews and columns are:






