Cover Story: Remembering Lincoln 150 years after his death …

PLAN AHEAD—Lincoln historian Duncan Newcomer writes an inspiring and thought-provoking column, proposing national conversations around the looming 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s death. Duncan reminds us that, shortly after the assassination, the great poet Walt Whitman urged Americans to hold such conversations, each year around April 15. What might those gatherings look like today? Duncan offers several intriguing suggestions. In addition …


OUR VALUES—Sociologist Dr. Wayne Baker invites readers to think about America’s changing racial attitudes as we approach the 50th anniversary of the Selma marches. Please share this thought-provoking series with friends to spark discussion:


ALL THE HOLIDAYS are always just a click away at


VISUAL PARABLES—Find more than 1,000 movie reviews from veteran faith-and-film expert Edward McNulty at, an easy link to remember. This is a terrific week for moviegoing, says Ed, who offers five rave reviews of must-see movies …

FAITH GOES POP—Remember to use Ken Chitwood’s #FaithGoesPop hashtag when you’re talking with friends online about some of the very creative ideas Ken serves up this week. Here is the gateway to Ken’s world:

  • TASTE A BIBLE BAR?—No kidding! That’s just one of Ken’s discoveries this week. Supposedly, this candy claims to provide a taste of Deuteronomy. Ken also spots a skull water bottle—and Playmobil’s hottest selling new toy. Can you guess what religious figure is now cast in plastic? Read Ken; tell friends.



GOOD MEDIA builds good community in so many ways …

INTERFAITH PEACEMAKERS—International peacemaker and author Daniel Buttry begins a new, month-long series on courageous men and women from Asia. This week …

SUZY FARBMAN—Suzy’s GodSigns columns are always a bright spot! This week, she writes about a Georgia man who has a right to be mad about few things in life—including his virtual death after a major surgery failed—but instead he prefers to count life’s blessings. You’ll smile. Go on—read it.

BULLYING IS NO LAUGHING MATTER—Our special comic section provides weekly resources for parents and teachers who want to help children discover strategies to end bullying. This week’s offering is the comic Onion and Pea. There is an easy way to find all of our online resources—including activity guides and special materials for teachers—by simply using

DR. DAVID GUSHEE—Dr. David Gushee, author of Changing Our Mind, spoke at Fordham University on February 26th and Union Theological Seminary on February 27th. Union Theological Seminary shares this video of his talk. His next public appearance is at Fuller Theological Seminary in Irving, California on March 14, 2015.

THIRD WAY NEWSLETTER—This new website will be publishing important columns in the ongoing effort by many churches to welcome LGBT Christians in a grassroots, “third way” approach to inclusion. It’s direct address is where you’ll also find an easy way to sign up for email updates. This week, Third Way publishes a column by David Myers, professor of psychology at Hope College, who is a signatory to a promising approach to bridging the culture-war, marriage divide called Marriage Opportunity, an effort led by David Blankenthorn, once widely cited as a critic of same sex marriage who has changed his view.

