Cover Story: Sorting reality from dangerous myths about ‘Sharia’ during Ramadan


EVOLVING DEBATE WITHIN ISLAM—As the fasting month begins for 1.8 billion Muslims around the world, an ongoing debate over the role of “Sharia” (or “Sharia Law”) continues to surface in headlines involving Muslim communities. Thanks to a leading organization of religion scholars, three top journalists were able to prepare one of the most interesting and balanced reports on the subject we’ve seen in recent years. The story is headlined simply What Sharia means and how it is understood around the world. The article is hosted on the website of the International Association of Religion Journalists (IARJ). Please, read this thoughtful overview and share it with friends. The subject of Sharia is frequently misunderstood and often is used in an inaccurate way to spark anti-Muslim bigotry. And, thanks to our friends at IARJ for publishing this story at the start of Ramadan!

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