ANGELS SURROUND US—For six years, since the publication of her book GodSigns, Suzy Farbman has shared hope-filled columns with us about remarkable men and women coping with challenges that most of us would consider insurmountable. Just as she did in GodSigns—her book-length memoir of surviving Stage 4 cancer—Suzy finds humor and bright anecdotes wherever life takes her. Sometimes, her columns are simply good fun. Sometimes, they describe families passing through the darkest of nights.
In recent months, Suzy has not appeared in our online magazine because she has devoted all of her energy to helping her husband Burton through one of the darkest medical challenges families can face: an aggressive brain tumor, major surgery and the rehab that follows.
This week, Suzy returns to our magazine with her same lifelong laser focus on the lights we all can glimpse on the horizon. First, she describes the real-life angels surrounding our families when we are in need, then hard-earned lessons that only come from adversity—and more. Please, help all of us at ReadTheSpirit magazine welcome Suzy back to our pages by reading her column—and sharing it with friends on social media.
And Speaking of Life-and-Death Inspiration …
THOMAS LYNCH has just released a new book—thanks to the talented team at the Presbyterian publishing house Westminster John Knox Press—and that is cause for celebration among Lynch’s legion of fans. That includes the founding editor of this online magazine who—as a journalist covering Michigan’s best spiritual thinkers—has known and admired Lynch for many years. So, this week, David Crumm offers a review, a recommendation and a cautionary note about Lynch’s new collection, called simply: Whence and Whiter.
As Well as Angels Who Surround Us …

Can you spot Heather Rae in this photo from her Facebook sharing of this story? Yes, she’s the “kid” in the upper right holding books on her lap.
LINDA JARKEY and our whole team at the publishing house are thanking a Michigan angel who just introduced Linda’s unusual children’s book, Sadie Sees Trouble, to a new audience of kids and parents. We’re talking about Michigan-based Heather Rae, who describes herself this way: “I love to learn, create and keep busy! I constantly have my nose in a book, doing research or working to write and create new classes, workshops and retreats.” In fact, Heather Rae’s creative work is so expansive, it spreads across two websites: Little Lotus Wellness & Meditation as well as Heather Rae: Live Your Magic.
What’s the news here? First, Heather was invited to be a guest reader for children at a local, metro-Detroit public library—and she chose to introduce the kids and their parents to Sadie Sees Trouble. The book has a timely message for families about the need to reduce “screen time.” Plus, the book suggests creative ideas—such as coloring pictures with foods and other substances around the house. In fact, the entire book was illustrated by Julie Jarkey-Kozlowski using fruits, vegetables and lots of other colorful items Julie found at home. Then, Heather shared her experience on social media—inviting even more people to discover the delights of Sadie.
Would you like to become a book angel? It’s easy to do. Simply make it your mission to publicly promote an author’s work. Want suggestions? Contact us at [email protected]
Seriously … Want to become a book angel?
MEET ‘OUR MUSLIM NEIGHBORS’—So, Heather Rae’s public reading is over. You’ve already missed that opportunity. But lots of terrific authors are on the road—and one of the most important this spring is Victor Begg with his inspirational and sometimes downright funny stories from ‘Our Muslim Neighbors.’ Of course, we know our readers are all over the world, including hundreds of fans of our publications in far-away New Zealand! However, please check out this list of a dozen upcoming public appearances by Victor in both Florida and Michigan. If you’re near Michigan, the real highlight is Victor’s appearance at the Arab American National Museum on April 8. Come on along! Our motto for 12 years has been: “Good media builds healthier communities.”
CONNECTING THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA—The Spring season is inspiring all of us—to connect with neighbors in fresh ways. Our front-page news stories this week involve reaching out both online—and in person—to foster creative, compassionate relationships. We take this very seriously—and our team invites you to connect with us in any way you prefer. In fact, our Front Edge Publishing column this week is by our Susan Stitt, offering a warm invitation to meet us in a variety of ways.
Play Ball!’ MARCH 28—Contributing Columnist Martin Davis argues that Opening Day amounts to an annual religious experience for millions of Americans.
LENT for 2-billion-plus Christians: Stephanie Fenton’s column on Lent also has a recommendation of our popular book for the season, Our Lent: Things We Carry.
Want to see all the upcoming Holidays & Festivals? Visit www.InterfaithHolidays.com
Want to enjoy favorite films with your Lenten journey this year? Check out the next news item …
Faith & Film

FAITH & FILM FOR LENT (WEEK 4)—Ed McNulty continues his day-by-day Lenten reflections on great films—devoting this week’s series to stories about fathers in film and scripture. Click on the image to read this week’s daily suggestions.
ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Most of his work is freely published. Ed supports his work by selling the Visual Parables Journal, a monthly magazine packed with discussion guides to films. This resource is used coast-to-coast by individuals who love the movies and by educators, clergy and small-group leaders.
Among Ed’s free reviews and columns are:
- THE KID WHO WOULD BE KING—Ed writes, “The Arthurian legend is transferred to modern England in this tale of a group of children called on to thwart the plans of an evil enchantress. It is the kind of tale that appeals to every kid who has ever turned a towel or drape into a cape.” (4 out of 5 stars)
THE AMERICAN FARM—Coming to the History channel is this wonderful eight-part documentary about American farming families from Alaska to the East Coast. Ed has previewed the first episode and highly recommends it in his review.
- CAPTAIN MARVEL—Ed writes, “Brie Larson shows that she has the Right Stuff to suit up and rocket off into the universe to save it.” (4 stars)
- GRETA—Looking for a spine-tingling suspense film that might remind you a bit of Fatal Attraction. Check out this new Neil Jordan movie. (4 stars)
- THE BOY WHO HARNESSED THE WIND—If you’ve got access to Netflix, then you can watch this terrific film today. Ed gives it 5 out of 5 stars and urges us not to miss it.