Ken Chitwood wants to see your ‘Faith Pop’
- TODAY, ReadTheSpirit welcomes the very creative journalist and scholar Ken Chitwood to our online magazine. Ken is the new host of our Faith Goes Pop department—and he’s starting with a creative invitation to all of our readers (yes, including you).
- WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT? You’ll enjoy David Crumm’s interview with Ken about Ken’s multi-media work in encouraging Americans to learn about religious diversity.
- WHAT’S THE INVITATION? You may want to jump immediately to Ken’s new domain: Faith Goes Pop. Click on the headline that says “Show me your ‘Faith Pop'” to learn about his invitation to readers.
- NEWS STORY—We report from Miller Elementary School where teachers held a school-wide assembly—and took a page from our Bullying Is No Laughing Matter website. Hundreds of children are making sketches and, together, they’re building a school-wide Fence of Friends.
- NEW COMIC—DICK TRACY is this week’s new comic (with a discussion guide for parents and teachers to use with kids).
- BUY THE BOOK—Remember the holidays are coming! This is a great gift to give a parent (or grandparent). Learn more about buying your own copy of the Bullying Is No Laughing Matter book. The book contains many classic comics, designed to read along with the kids you love.
- TALK ABOUT IT—To start a discussion in your small group, you’ll enjoy this 5-part OurValues series all about what we hope children can do in our world.
- HELL—Do you believe in it?
Halloween is this Friday, a fun holiday these days. But in the past, people took it very seriously. This week, Dr. Wayne Baker draws on reporting by journalist David Briggs to discuss the topic of Hell and the constellation of beliefs Americans have about it. - PART 1— So, tell us: Do you believe in Hell? How many Americans do
- PART 2— Is Hell good for business?
- PART 3—How do “our” beliefs compare worldwide?
- PART 4—Is Hell the ultimate crime fighter?
- PART 5—What about the satanic realm of demons?
- HALLOWEEN (aka All Hallow’s Eve or Samhain)—How much do you know about these holiday traditions? Stephanie Fenton has the fascinating story.
- DAY OF THE DEAD—After Halloween, many ancient Christian festivals unfold with colorful celebrations around the world. Those festivals include Day of the Dead, All Saint’s Day and All Soul’s Day.
- DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME—Love it or hate it, Stephanie Fenton has the story about DST’s roots and points of view about the policy!
- ALL THE HOLIDAYS—Remember the master calendar for our coverage of these milestones. It’s at
- THE WONDERS OF TEA—FeedTheSpirit columnist Bobbie Lewis writes about the cross-cultural wonders of tea—and “tea time” and, of course, provides a delicious recipe: currant or raisin scones!
- ALL THE INSPIRING STORIES—Visit the Interfaith Peacemakers homepage to discover more than 100 inspiring profiles of men and women around the world who risked crossing barriers to make peace.
- ‘MUSLIM PEACEMAKERS’—Peacemaker Daniel Buttry, your host at the Interfaith Peacemakers website, looks this week at Muslim peacemakers.
- DERVIS KORKUT—A Muslim scholar in Sarajevo defended Jews in World War II and protected a priceless Haggadah.
- ALBANIAN MUSLIMS—Do you know why Albanian Muslims are listed among “The Righteous” at Yad Vashem?
- SI KADDOUR BEN GHABRIT—He bravely stood his ground against Nazis in Paris.
- HIS LENS / MY PEN—Debra and Martin Darvick return with another inspiring collaboration.
- STONE CIRCLES—Godsigns columnist Suzy Farbman writes about Poet Bard Terry Wooten who has made stone circles a popular cultural experience in Michigan.
- MOVIES A to Z—Faith-and-film writer Edward McNulty has become very popular online for his big database of thought-provoking movie reviews.
- PRIDE—This week, Ed McNulty urges readers to go see this unusual movie. It’s such an inspiring film that columnist Rodney Curtis also writes about it.
- FURY—This well-made movie about a tank crew in World War II is loaded with graphic violence and tough language. (Ed gives it 4 out of 5 stars.)
- RUDDERLESS—A thoughtful little movie about a father, a son, their boat and their music. (3.5 stars)