- ROB BELL and his wife Kristen talk about their collaboration on a new book that takes a fresh approach to renewing marriage (based on a centuries-old concept in Jewish mysticism called tzimtzum). They also talk about their lives since moving to the West Coast—and about Rob’s new projects with Oprah Winfrey. These days, you’re less likely to find Rob Bell in a traditional pulpit than you are surfing the Pacific, or starring in a YouTube clip, or sharing the stage with Oprah at a motivational event. You’ll enjoy this cover story—and their new book!
- HOW TO GET INVOLVED—We know all about Peace-making, don’t we? This week, international peacemaker Daniel Buttry challenges us to consider becoming Peace-givers!
- HOLIDAY SHOPPING GUIDE—Buttry also recommends that readers check out this broad array of holiday ideas—designed to inspire readers and build healthier communities.
- BULLYING IS NO LAUGHING MATTER—One of those holiday ideas is our big, anti-bullying comic book—a colorful volume that also is a celebration of dozens of beloved American comics. This week, our special comic section features a long-time favorite in newspapers: Mary Worth.
- A MOTHER’S PLEA—Benjamin Pratt returns to ReadTheSpirit with a moving column about the wake of Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson, Missouri.
- OUR VALUES—Are you hunting for The Perfect Gift for each person on your holiday list? What are your criteria for the perfect gift? Gift giving can be complicated! Join sociologist Dr. Wayne Baker this week as we discuss some of social rules about gift giving and receiving.
- PART 1—Is The Perfect Gift—money?
- PART 2—Does mindfulness matter?
- PART 3—How about regifting?
- PART 4—Giving to charity?
- PART 5—Do these 3 gift-giving rules still apply?
- ALL THE HOLIDAYS—Remember for columnist Stephanie Fenton’s master list of all the upcoming festivals and milestones.
- DECEMBER THEMES—Stephanie Fenton looks at special campaigns focused on December, including an effort to help animals in shelters, to keep drivers safe during the holidays and to promote Universal Human Rights.
- ST. NICHOLAS DAY—Learn about the ancient saint whose generosity morphed into modern-day Santa Claus. (This column is packed with links to online resources!)
- PEARL HARBOR DAY—Know a WWII veteran who would like to see the special ceremony in Hawaii on December 7? This column explains how to log-in to the National Park Service webcast.
- FEED THE SPIRIT—Bobbie Lewis’s column about foods and family cultures, once again, carries us around the world and back to an American home. This week, Bobbie welcomes guest columnist Maddee Sommers Kepes who takes us on a visit to the once-thriving Jewish community of Iraq and serves up a recipe for a colorful dish known as Kubbah, meat-filled dumplings served with bright-red beet sauce.
- THEORY OF EVERYTHING—Eddie Redmayne turns in an amazing performance as Stephen Hawking in this true story that demonstrates the power and nobility of the human spirit. (4.5 out of 5 stars)
- INTERSTELLAR—Edward McNulty gives Christopher Nolan’s challenging film 4 out of 5 stars.
- ALL THE MOVIE REVIEWS—Visit our Visual Parables department for more than 1,000 reviews by faith-and-film writer Edward McNulty.
- FAITH GOES POP—Check out Ken Chitwood’s creative columns on the intersection between Faith and Popular Culture.
- SUZY FARBMAN—As a life-long journalist, Suzy Farbman knows that men and women find spiritual strength in many ways—some formal and traditional and some surprising in their unlikely appearance. In this Godsigns column, Suzy writes about an anxious cancer patient who finds a reassuring reminder in some numbers she spots, one day.