How Are You Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Vision this Week?


REMEMBERING KING’S VISION—Over the past decade, many of our writers have published inspiring columns that honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s life and legacy. Let’s start with the column by our Holidays & Festivals columnist Stephanie Fenton. Stephanie’s story reminds us of how King’s life eventually inspired this annual holiday. Then, Stephanie provides a gateway to several other fascinating columns—including one that has a recipe for Dr. King’s favorite dessert: sweet potato pie! There’s a lot to enjoy here.

And there’s a lot you can do, this week, to honor Dr. King’s vision! Please, read on!

REMEMBERING OTHER HEROES OF THE MOVEMENT—The civil rights movement spanned decades and involved millions of heroic men and women who had the courage to live their lives as if America’s ideals of liberty and justice really could be claimed by all of us.

One of those living heroes is Col. Clifford Worthy—who dared to join the first few African-American cadets at West Point after President Truman signed the order integrating the U.S. Army just after World War II. This week, our popular columnist Benjamin Pratt has written a review of Col. Worthy’s memoir, The Black Knightpraising the book as “a memoir of deep integrity, revealing honesty and wisdom.” Want to do a little good in our world this week? Order a copy of The Black Knight and come back to to leave your review of the book. Your voice will make a difference in how many other readers will find this inspiring memoir.

The Black Knight also was highlighted this month among “Recent Books of Interest to African American Scholars” by The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education.



Help an Author Reach the World in 2019

BECOME A CITIZEN OF A ‘COMMUNITY’—In our Front Edge Publishing column this week, David Crumm writes about the powerful world of’s Community of reviewers. The column is written from the perspective of authors who want to encourage more reviews of their books—but the column also is a Call to Action for anyone who would like to become an effective reviewer. Are you starting 2019 with a resolution to make a positive difference in our world? One of the most powerful, easy steps you can take is to become an reviewer and encourage others to find books that will inspire them, this year. And, please, share this column with friends, especially friends who love to read.




WE CAN HELP WITH A FREE SAMPLE—Millions of Americans are discussing gender diversity and sexual orientation in 2019. For example, members of the United Methodist church nationwide have identified this issue as a year-long, global conversation. We want to help! Our publishing house is proud of the high praise we’ve received for publishing a pair of guidebooks with Michigan State University School of Journalism. Those books are called: 100 Questions and Answers about Gender Identity and 100 Questions and Answers about Sexual Orientation.

MSU’s Joe Grimm, the head of the educational project that has published this groundbreaking series of books, is offering to send a free sample set of these two new volumes on gender and sexuality to community leaders hoping to organize a discussion group. The trademark of this MSU book series is: We’re answering the questions everybody’s asking but nobody’s answering. Sample copies could prompt others in your community to order these books—and share this accurate, helpful information on these urgent issues.

So, if you are a librarian, preacher, teacher, book-club coordinator—or any other kind of community leader planning to spark a discussion—please contact us [email protected]

UPDATE—We have a few sets of these samples let. Please, email us now.




Click this cover image to learn about the January 2019 issue of Visual Parables Journal with complete faith & film study guides of recent movies.

FAITH & FILM: Ed McNulty

ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Most of his work is freely published. Ed supports his work by selling the Visual Parables Journal, a monthly magazine packed with discussion guides to films. This resource is used coast-to-coast by individuals who love the movies and by educators, clergy and small-group leaders.

Among Ed’s free reviews and columns are:







