‘Telling Stories in the Dark’ audio book debuts as a No. 1 New Release on Amazon

Media Collaboration in Northern Michigan produces a new bestseller among Amazon’s audio books

OUR COVER STORY THIS WEEK stretches from a sound studio in Northern Michigan to eager listeners around the world after a like-minded collaboration formed between book narrator Craig Abbott and author Jeffrey Munroe, who wrote the inspirational book, Telling Stories in the Dark.

Please enjoy our story about how a special spirit seemed to be pushing Craig toward working with Jeff—and how the resulting audio-book just hit Amazon with a “No. 1 New Release” flag for its popularity with listeners. And, of course, if this story interests you, please take a moment to share it on social media or via email with your friends. Who knows? You might soon find yourself in the midst of one of the discussion groups nationwide in which readers (and now listeners) are exploring the practical wisdom Jeffrey and Craig are sharing with us all.

NOTE: This link takes you to our ReadTheSpirit Cover Story, which is posted in our Front Edge Publishing blog this week.



And, Here’s More Inspiring Multimedia You Can Enjoy This Week


‘What Is Sacred about Friendship?’

The InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit (IFLC) is nationally known for building bridges between the many religious groups that have called southeast Michigan home for more than a century. Among the IFLC’s remarkable accomplishments is its in-depth interfaith conversations that have continued in southeast Michigan, even when many such relationships have broken down over the past year or so. Rising waves of religious hatred around the world, plus ongoing global conflicts, have made it difficult for this kind of peaceful work to continue.

However, the IFLC has not stopped its interfaith work. Now, the IFLC is debuting this fascinating video-podcast conversation between Jewish leaders and one of the nation’s most influential Muslim academics. Please make time this week to watch this podcast—and to share it with friends as a sign of hope.

NOTE: This link takes you to the IFLC’s online presentation of this free-to-stream podcast.



From audio and video to illustrated biography

Abrams debuts a new imprint with a graphic biography of Tolkien and Lewis

NEWLY RELEASED THIS MONTH is a delightful illustrated biography of the friends J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis—a “debut” volume in a new imprint of graphic and illustrated books for young readers by the famous arts publisher Abrams. David Crumm offers us his 5-star review of this wonderfully entertaining new book.

NOTE: This link takes you to ReadTheSpirit Editor David Crumm’s Goodreads review of The Mythmakers. While you’re visiting David’s Goodreads page, take a moment to “follow” or “friend” David on Goodreads, where he posts at least a couple of new reviews each week.



And from Bill Tammeus—

‘Why the National Catholic Reporter’s history matters to everyone’

VETERAN RELIGION WRITER BILL TAMMEUS adds his valuable perspective on the new history of the courageous team at the National Catholic Reporter. For 60-plus years, the NCR staff has carried out their mission of providing top-quality, independent news coverage of events in the world’s largest denomination—the Roman Catholic church.

NOTE: This link takes you to Bill Tammeus’s online home, where he regularly posts news, commentary and reviews. While you’re there, check out Bill’s considerable archives—and you also can learning more about his inspiring Love Loss and Endurance on Amazon.



Intrigued by the flames on this new book cover?

THIS WEEK, WE’RE UNVEILING the visually striking cover of Jonathan Grimm’s upcoming book, The Future Poor—How Families and Communities Can Join Together to Survive the Looming Retirement Crisis. Our Susan Stitt writes this Front Edge Publishing column about the timely nature of Jonathan’s book—and the practical help families will find in these pages. Plus, we’ve got a short video clip that unveils the entire book cover designed for us by Art Director Rick Nease, which soon will be showing up on Amazon and other quality booksellers’ websites. And we’ve got a fresh link in this column to learn more about Jonathan himself—and the new free Grim News service he’s providing to families nationwide.

NOTE: This link takes you to our Front Edge Publishing column about the new book.



Holidays & Festivals


Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah

THE ANNUAL JEWISH HARVEST FESTIVAL OF SUKKOT is ending this week with a two-day cluster of traditional observances that Holidays & Festivals columnist Stephanie Fenton describes for us.


Celebrating Under Many Names:
Allhallowtide, Dia de los Muertos, Samhain

STEPHANIE FENTON HAS THE STORY FOR US, this week, explaining the main variations on this holiday—and, of course, providing helpful links to DIY costumes and tasty holiday foods as well.


WANT TO SEE ALL OF THE UPCOMING HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS? It’s easy to find our annual calendar of global observances. Just remember the web address: InterfaithHolidays.com


Faith & Film

Click on this image to read an illustrated tribute to the life of Faith & Film critic Edward McNulty (1936-2024).

ED McNULTY, for decades, published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Here are some of Ed’s final reviews:











