United America: Rediscovering our common ground


NEWS! Join with groups pitching in to Unite America. Here’s the story about how that’s happening.
Also NEW Get a free Bible Study Guide.
Interview Dr. Wayne Baker explains the 10 core values.
Free Chart Print the 10 core values.
Preface By Brian McLaren.
OurValues A series on each of the 10 core values … 1. Respect for Others, 2. Symbolic Patriotism, 3. Freedom, 4. Security, 5. Self-reliance & Individualism, 6. Equal Opportunity 7. Getting Ahead, 8. Pursuit of Happiness, 9. Justice & Fairness, 10. Critical Patriotism


Interfaith Peacemakers Uniting a nation through music
Ed McNulty One very hot night with Pete
FeedTheSpirit Recalling Pete with a ’60s recipe


February is Black History Month. Our inspiring stories begin with 3 courageous women!
Table of Contents See all 30-plus Interfaith Peacemakers stories at a glance.
NEW Inspiring Stories 1.) Septima Clark, 2.) Diane Nash, 3.) Ella Baker

Bird on Fire Author Susan Norris writes about what you can do for National Freedom Day

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Debra Darvick Have you seen the slogan? Religion, Because Thinking Is Hard.

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Philip Seymour Hoffman Remembering the late actor’s greatest work.