Peace, Salaam, Shalom: the words for peace from three languages reflecting the three Abrahamic faiths (actually a better word for the Christians would be either Shalom or Eirene, the Greek word for peace). This week’s musicians capture that diversity as well as a chorus by that name by Pat Humphries and Sandy Opatow that has been sung from the concert hall to the streets.
Pat Humphries & Sandy Opatow: Peace, Salaam, Shalom
Denver Women’s Chorus
Street performance by Brooklyn Women’s Chorus
Matisyahu: One Day
Check out our full profile on Matisyahu here.
Emmanuel Jai: We Want Peace
& War Child
A black Christian from South Sudan, Jal was forced into being a child soldier with southern insurgents. After being rescued he became a strong voice for peace through his music and poetry. His autobiography is War Child: A Child Soldier’s Story.
We Want Peace
War Child
TED Talk
BBC Hardtalk interview
Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam: Peace Train
Becoming famous in the ‘60s and ‘70s with his stage name, Cat Stevens converted to Islam in 1977. He changed his name to Yusuf Islam and gave up his musical career. In 2006 he returned to music adding new material to his folk rock classics.