A singing nightingaleSUNDOWN SATURDAY, MAY 1: Baha’is begin to honor the third holy day of the Ridvan festival, known to the faithful as the 12th day of Ridvan. It’s on this day that Baha’u’llah, his family and followers left Baghdad and headed for Constantinople. (Read more about Ridvan in Wikipedia.)
Tradition has it that, on this last day in Baghdad, the Garden of Ridvan was overflowing with visitors. While many gathered to bid Baha’u’llah farewell, this Baha’i leader wrote the Nightingale of Separation—a tablet with words that described his sadness in leaving his followers in Baghdad. (Read it here.)
When Baha’u’llah, his family and followers departed, they were in for a difficult journey: With too few resources, a trek ahead of snowy mountain trails, freezing conditions and more, the caravan would endure these harsh elements for the next three months.
HERE’s a helpful navigation tip: Want to read through all of our Ridvan stories? Or learn more about any particular faith featured in “Holidays and Festivals”? You can click on the category links at the end of any story—such as “Baha’i” at the end of this story. When you click, you’ll see links to all of our recent Baha’i holiday stories.
(By ReadTheSpirit columnist Stephanie Fenton)
(NOTE: To see more short articles about upcoming holidays, festivals and anniversaries, click the “RTS Magazines” tab at the top of this page and select “Religious Holidays.”)