FEAST OF CORPUS CHRISTI: Christians adore the Eucharist

SUNDAY, JUNE 2: A feast for the Holy Eucharist takes place in Christian churches around the world today, as adherents recognize the Feast of Corpus Christi (also known by the Roman Catholic Church as The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, or by the Church of England as The Day of Thanksgiving for the Institution of Holy Communion).

In several Catholic countries, Eucharistic processions fill the streets today, and those along the route decorate their homes with flowers, banners, candles and greenery. (Wikipedia has details.) Some devotees begin a public Novena to the Sacred Heart today, leading up to the Feast of the Sacred Heart on June 7.

Note: Although the liturgical solemnity of Corpus Christi takes place on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, the vast majority of countries—that is, where Corpus Christi is not a Holy Day of Obligation—celebrate the festival today, as its proper day.

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