International Observance: Mark a sustainable UN Day

Think globally and act locally on UN Day. Photo in public domainWEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24: Think globally—act locally—on the 67th United Nations Day, marking the day the United Nations Charter went into effect. Today the UN stands 193 member states strong, and each UN event focuses on a mounting theme: a more sustainable future. Last year, the world population reached 7 billion—and this year, the UN presents a new theme: “Solutions for a Prosperous World.”

The original intent of UN Day was to make “known to the peoples of the world the aims and achievements of the United Nations;” in 1971, the General Assembly asked that UN Day be observed as an international holiday by all member states. Each year since 1946, the United States President has issued a proclamation for UN Day. What can you do for UN Day—or United Nations Week? (United Nations Week lasts through Oct. 26.) Chapters can host a UN Day event; members can write a governor to have a UN Day Chair appointed. This year, more than 175 events have officially registered with United Nations America. (Check out the list to find one in your area.)


Population has skyrocketed in recent decades, turning UN attention away from lingering issues from WWII—and toward the future. A world of more than 7 billion leaves no room for error in the sharing of natural resources. (Check today’s world population number here.) Issues like clean water, healthcare, poverty and education are now a shared responsibility, met with one all-encompassing term: sustainability. Take UN Day to learn about sustainable energy, a sustainable food culture and how sustainability can impact your community.


Ever wonder how those UN graphics communicate a message to all member states, jumping language and cultural barriers? Moreover, what thought processes go into designing a logo that doesn’t somehow offend any culture? Get the inside scoop with a WSJ profile of someone who has designed for more than 150 UN campaigns.

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