Lag B’Omer: Jews count 33rd day in the Omer with bonfires, parades

Lag BaOmer, New York

Lag B’Omer in Brooklyn, NY. Photo by Several seconds, courtesy of Flickr

SUNSET WEDNESDAY, MAY 18: Enormous bonfires blaze against the night sky across Israel and in Jewish communities worldwide, for Lag B’Omer (or Lag BaOmer; spellings may vary). During daylight hours, celebrants venture outdoors for picnics and children’s activities, while the commemorations of Lag BaOmer are twofold: the holiday marks the end of an ancient plague and, duly, the passing of the mystic Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. On Lag BaOmer, thousands of Jews gather in Meron, Israel, at the tomb of Bar Yochai.

s'more Lag B'Omer

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Literally 33rd day in the Omer, Lag BaOmer marks traditional anniversaries in the Jewish calendar. Between Passover and Shavuot, Jews are, per the Torah, obligated to count the days. (Learn more from Judaism 101.) The omer is a unit of measure, and each night from the second of Passover until Shavuot, Jews recite a blessing and count the omer in both weeks and days. During this period, men and women recall a plague that struck during the time of Rabbi Akiba; haircuts, weddings and parties are put on hold. On Lag BaOmer, the mourning restrictions are lifted.

Fun fact: S’mores are permitted on Lag B’Omer! Read more at

The Talmud relates that during the weeks between Passover and Shavuot, a plague hit Rabbi Akiva’s disciples, because of their disrespectful conduct toward one another. On Lag BaOmer, the dying ceased and, among the surviving students, was Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. Later, he became the most esteemed teacher of the Torah in his generation. He penned the classic mystic text, the Zohar, still revered by those who study Kabbalah. Today, the importance of love and respect is emphasized on Lag BaOmer, as is the great “light” that Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai brought to the world.

Some also are emphasizing Lag BaOmer as an anniversary of the Bar Kokhba revolt against the Roman Empire. In Israel today, Lag BaOmer is marked in varying ways. In 2004, the Israeli government began designating Lag BaOmer as a day for honoring the Israeli Defense Forces reserves.

Lag B’Omer: Jews count 33rd day in the Omer with bonfires, parades, archery

SUNSET WEDNESDAY, MAY 6: Colossal bonfires blaze against the night sky across Israel and in Jewish communities worldwide for Lag BaOmer. During daylight hours, celebrants venture outdoors for picnics and children’s activities. The commemorations of Lag BaOmer are twofold: the holiday marks end of an ancient plague and, duly, the passing of the mystic Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. On Lag BaOmer, thousands of Jews gather in Meron, Israel, at the tomb of Bar Yochai.

Literally 33rd day in the Omer, Lag BaOmer marks traditional anniversaries in the Jewish calendar. Between Passover and Shavuot, Jews are, per the Torah, obligated to count the days. (Learn more from Judaism 101.) The omer is a unit of measure, and each night from the second of Passover until Shavuot, Jews recite a blessing and count the omer in both weeks and days. During this period, men and women recall a plague that struck during the time of Rabbi Akiba; haircuts, weddings and parties are put on hold. On Lag BaOmer, the mourning restrictions are lifted. (Find local events, audio classes, related videos and more at

The Talmud relates that during the weeks between Passover and Shavuot, a plague hit Rabbi Akiva’s disciples, because of their disrespectful conduct toward one another. On Lag BaOmer, the dying ceased and, among the surviving students, was Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. Later, he became the most esteemed teacher of the Torah in his generation. He penned the classic mystic text, the Zohar, still revered by those who study Kabbalah. Today, the importance of love and respect is emphasized on Lag BaOmer, as is the great “light” that Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai brought to the world. (Find stories, articles and more at

Some also are emphasizing Lag BaOmer as an anniversary of the Bar Kokhba revolt against the Roman Empire. In Israel today, Lag BaOmer is marked in varying ways. In 2004, the Israeli government began designating Lag BaOmer as a day for honoring the Israeli Defense Forces reserves.

Lag BaOmer: Jewish commaraderie around bonfires and brews

SUNDAY, APRIL 28: Each evening since the second night of Passover, Jews have collectively kept track of passing days—or, as the traditon is known, counting the Omer. From that first night, Jews count upward, pausing today for a special occasion: Lag BaOmer or the 33rd day in the Omer. A number of events are recalled at Lag BaOmer, especially focused on the famous Rabbi Akiva and the death later of one of his pupils, another famous teacher known as Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. (Learn more at Judaism 101.)

So, what is the reference to “brews” in the headline today? For Lag BaOmer 2013, the Jewish  Telegraphic Agency (JTA) has just posted a fun story headlined “Brewing up a New Connection to Lag BaOmer.” The Omer wasn’t actually a measure of time; the Omer was an ancient measure of barley, offered day by day in the temple. The JTA suggests: “What better way to mark the coming holiday than by downing a barley beverage, cold and carbonated?”


The Talmud states that during the time of Rabbi Akiva, 24,000 of his students died from a plague. By the 33rd day of the Omer, just five students had survived: among them was Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, a disciple who would go on to become a Mishnaic sage.

On his deathbed many years later, it’s written that Rabbi Shimon revealed the secrets of mystical teachings within the Torah. (Get details from Wikipedia.) Since Rabbi Shimon allegedly extended daylight hours to complete his teachings, many Jews light bonfires tonight to symbolize that all light is submissive to spiritual light. Others light bonfires to symbolize Rabbi Shimon’s passing of spiritual light to the rest of the world. Upward of 250,000 attendees are expected this year on Lag B’Omer at Meron, the burial place of Rabbi Shimon and his son. An enormous bonfire lights the night sky at Meron each year, as onlookers sing, feast and carry torches.