Thanks, Dad! We say: Happy Father’s Day!
SUNDAY, JUNE 15: Fire up the grill and give Dad a big hug today, because it’s Father’s Day!
After more than a century as a holiday, Father’s Day in the United States brings to mind the 70.1 million fathers in America today—especially those who support us, influence us and inspire us. President Barack Obama urges all Dads to take the Fatherhood Pledge, and for us all to remember that it’s not all about gifted ties and golf clubs; it’s the time and love that earn Dad’s special place in our hearts. So give Dad a big hug and tell him “thank you,” today, however you can!
Speaking of inspiring!
Our favorite Father’s Day story this year comes from the Standard-Examiner, in a thought-provoking article about the Rev. Frank Schaefer, a former Methodist pastor who chose to unconditionally support his children—against all odds, and in the face of conflict within his denomination. This father’s journey reminds us that as much as children learn from their Dads, it is the truly humble father who also lets himself learn from his children.
Several early versions of American Father’s Day exist, but the one most often credited with influencing today’s holiday began in Spokane, Washington, in 1910. After hearing a sermon on Mother’s Day in 1909, Sonora Smart Dodd asked her pastor if fathers could have a similar holiday—after all, her father had single handedly raised his six children after their mother passed away.
The pastor agreed, and the sermon for fathers was delivered on the third Sunday of June. Though Father’s Day didn’t garner widespread success initially, Spokane-based advocates of the holiday soon partnered with trade groups and began promoting the holiday with vigor. (Wikipedia has details.) The Father’s Day Council came on board in 1938, and before long, Father’s Day was a national observation.
News sources have been buzzing for weeks with ideas on what to get Dad: high-tech ideas from CBS News, gift suggestions “to make him proud” from Forbes, and even DIY gift instructions from Martha Stewart and HGTV. Last-minute gifters can try out the simpler DIY suggestions, for an added personal touch.
Dazzle Dad with your knowledge of the history of Father’s Day and some fun facts about his day, by checking out
Nothing seems to say “Dad’s day” more than a cookout, and the Chicago Tribune offers up a mouth-watering, in-depth article on choosing the perfect cut of meat, with tips on marinating, grilling and more to boot.
Cooking a full dinner for Dad? Experienced cooks can check out Martha Stewart or Taste of Home; Food Network and Rachael Ray offer suggestions in true foodie style. AllRecipes has menus and ratings to make that Father’s Day meal a memorable one.