My Apologies

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August 22nd, 2011

I am so sorry. That’s the last time I leave my blog open and running while I walk away from the computer. It appears one of my dogs, (neither one is admitting it), jumped up and shared his opinion. Look, I have nothing against cats. We have owned a few over the years and they’re […]

I am so sorry. That’s the last time I leave my blog open and running while I walk away from the computer. It appears one of my dogs, (neither one is admitting it), jumped up and shared his opinion.

Look, I have nothing against cats. We have owned a few over the years and they’re generally warm and loveable. I would never allow any open felinist behavior under my roof. This world is a mean enough place without inter-species hatred making it nastier.

I apologize to all the cats who have sent me letters and email decrying my position and I thank them for pointing out the website hack. Know this; I will be far more diligent in the future and if either dog even sniffs my keyboard, they will be sent to sensitivity training immediately.

Another great Rodney, Rodney King said it best, “can’t we all just get along?” And that’s what I wish for this world. Liberals and Conservatives, Palestinians and Israelis, The Kardashians and Jersey Shore kids and yes, felines and canines all need to take a deep breath and celebrate our common bonds.

One day dogs and cats will walk paw in paw, and there will be hope for us all.

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