
March 22nd, 2013

We have a brand new look.

It was pretty simple, really. Over at ReadTheSpirit headquarters they asked me what I wanted in a blog space. I showed them the site I volunteer for each fall, the Mountain Workshops, and they seemed to think it wasn’t a horrible idea.

Then I showed them the Boston Globe’s Big Picture site and the response I got from our web man Michael Thompson was, “I think I’m getting the sense of what you’re after.”

Boy, did he ever. I’ve always loved being able to display photos the way I like viewing them, eye-poppingly big. My first love being photography, it seems silly that I’d be confined to a small window when there is almost infinite space on the world wide web.

So as the old hair commercial from the 70s said, “I went from flat to fluffy.”

<—– As you’ll no doubt recall, we used to look like this.


                         Now, well, we look like THIS! (he said, gesturing to the whole page)


Sure, there will be times when I don’t have a photo or video to share. There will be others when my pictures look like poop and I won’t want them blown up all over the place. But now I get to choose.

I’m glad they trust me over at HQ. Hopefully they’re not sitting in the control room, nervously fingering their CENSOR key.

This is going to be a fun ride!





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