Land Ho (2014)

Two retirees, one outgoing & the other reticent, go on a road trip to Iceland for a last fling. There they party & see the sites of the city & countryside, ending their road trip refreshed & ready to face whatever happens.


A dystopian tale about a revolt led by a factory worker seeking healing for his bdy ravaged by radiation in a factory accident. This can be found only on the space platform known as Elysium where the wealthy have retreated from a polluted Earth.

Coming: My New Book

I can’t believe it’s been such a long time since my last entry. Aside from my usual writing for Visual Parables, LectionAid, and Lectionary Homiletics, I’ve been engrossed in finishing the book Blessed Are the Filmmakers, outlined below. It was inspired by reading Daniel Buttry’s inspiring collection of 60+ minibiographies of peacemakers, living and dead, …