Leap of Faith (2024)

Movie Info

Movie Notes

Director: Nicholas Ma

Rating: PG

Runtime: 1 hour 26 minutes


Sadly, in this time of deep civic division, religious leaders seem too often to add to the divisive discourse rather than offer words of reconciliation. What would happen if a group of diverse pastors in one American city committed to meet together over an extended period of time to discuss differences, find common ground, build relationships? Could bridges be formed that would bring peace and joy to our troubled communities?

This is the question explored in the new film, “Leap of Faith,” by Nicholas Ma and Morgan Neville (creators of the film “Won’t You Be My Neighbor”). I attended a screening of this film  at the Angelika Theater in Dallas, Texas, at the invitation of the founder and president of Faith Commons, Dr. George A. Mason (author of “The Word Made Fresh: Preaching God’s Love for Every Body”). There are ongoing theater screenings in various cities across America.

This film follows twelve ministers in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on a year-long journey of discovery as they explore their differences and commonalities. Some are men, some are women; some are Black, some White, some Asian; some are gay, some are straight; some are theologically conservative, some theologically progressive. All are people who love God, love their faith communities, and love Grand Rapids.

The film is at times funny, at times painful to watch, and it seems always to be honest. It shows sincere men and women who want to love God and neighbor faithfully struggle with what that looks like. It shows how very hard it is to earn the privilege of vulnerability with another person. And it demonstrates how, sometimes, changing your mind and heart on a matter can be very costly.

“Leap of Faith” is a courageous story. I appreciate each person who participated in the experiment. I wanted there to be a sweet “Kumbaya”- ending and it didn’t happen that way. But isn’t that real life? I believe the lives of each of the diverse ministers who participated in this film project were changed by the doing of it. Mine was changed by the viewing of it. I encourage you to look for it near you and see it for yourself. 

To learn more, visit the film’s official home online: (leapoffaithmovie.com)


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