I have neglected this blog for far too long due to an overcrowded schedule, but I promise to do better from now on. I am prompted to update the blog thanks to Suzy Farbman’s latest GodSigns posting on a new PBS documentary film on the Swedish diplomat who saved so many Jews from death during the Holocaust. I urge you to read it, and then if you are as fascinated by this dark period during which we can see the worst and the best of which humanity is capable, you might want to see a dramatic 1985 TV film I was impressed with many years ago.

Wallenberg: A Hero’s Story stars Richard Chamberlain and, at 200 minutes, goes into considerable detail of the diplomat’s courageous action that saved an estimated 100,000 Jews in Hungary. The film is so effective that it evoked 100 reviews on Amazon, where the DVD can be bought. (Go to http://www.amazon.com/Wallenberg-Heros-Story-Richard-Chamberlain/dp/B004KL0OVU.)  I reviewed it for a Catholic magazine at the time, but unfortunately, this was before I founded Visual Parables, so I have no digital copy of that review–nor of the magazine. This man, who came to a sad end, truly deserves the appellation “Hero.”

Coming next: A biographical docudrama about Pope Francis.

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