In case you are new to this blog, I need to explain that this is Part 5 of my looking back on the MS Freedom Summer Project’s 60th Annversary. During my two-week participation in that life-changing event I kept a journal, which is what I am recounting and reflecting upon here. Ten years ago I …
At the 60th Anniversary of the Mississippi Freedom Summer Project, the truth still matters
Faith-and-film expert the Rev. Edward McNulty shares his memories of going South in 1964 to help Black colleagues campaign for civil rights.
Miss. Summer Freedom Project – Part 11
When I was writing the account of what happened on Monday the 10th I forgot a few things. Around 11 AM there were a great many young children at the Center. A group of us gathered together for stories & work on the blackboard in reading. Then I gathered some old newspapers & started …
Mississippi Freedom Summer Project 1964 (Part 5)
On Saturday morning I put up the door for the Crafts Closet. One of the sons of Mr. Hawkins was eager to help. In the afternoon Roger and I went out calling on people to gather information on intimidation. News had already come in about two cross burnings during the previous night. The first house …
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Mississippi Freedom Summer Project 1964: Part 1
Introduction to My Freedom Summer Journals As a journalist, educator and life-long film critic, I have been fighting this particular battle for truth over many decades. My own experience in the 1964 Mississippi Freedom Summer eventually reached a national audience because I was among the outspoken critics of the 1988 thriller, Mississippi Burning, starring Gene Hackman …
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