The reclusive Robin & his buyer searches for his stolen truffle pig in Portland, where 15 years ago he was a renowned chef.
Prince Brat and the Whipping Boy (1994)
A boy living with his sister in the streets of an 18th century German city is made to be the spoiled prince’s whipping boy & when they run away, helps the prince to change for the better.
Operation Finale (2918)
Director Chris Weitz and scriptwriter Matthew Ortontell the story of the Israeli capture of the Nazi who prompted writer Hannah Arendt’s controversial phrase “the banality of evil.” As played by Sir Ben Kingsley, Adolf Eichmann is more than the faceless bureaucrat devoid of ideology she had depicted, he is part of the unrepentant Nazi community …
Sicario: Day of the Soldado (2018)
The US drug enforcement agents start a war among the Mexican drug lords by kidnapping the daughter of one of the most powerful, initiating a series of bloody encounters.
You Were Never Really Here (2017)
A hit man armed with a ball peen hammer rescues a teenage girl from a sex trafficking ring.
All the Money in the World (2017)
After J. Paul Getty’s grandson is kidnapped months go by as the lad’s mother negotiates with the crooks & her father-in-law who does not want to pay ransom.
Brigsby Bear (2017)
Kidnapped as a baby, a young man has trouble adjusting to his true family until he decides to make a film based on a kids TV series he had watched early on.
Hail Caesar (2016)
In the Coen Brothers spoof of 1950s Hollywood a studio fixer has his hands full searching for the kidnapped star of its major unfinished Jesus film, getting other stars out of jams, & considering the offer of a job giving him more money & more time with his neglected family.
A Walk Among Tombstones (2014)
A guilt-ridden ex-cop turned P.I. tracks down kidnappers who abduct & kill the women of drug dealers. Active in A.A., he befriends a homeless black youth.
Frustrated over what he thinks is the detective’s lack of progress in finding his kidnapped daughter, a father takes matters into his own hands. He kidnaps and tortures the suspect, not believing in the mentally handicapped man’s claim of innocence.