A working-class German couple during WW 2 write & distribute around Berlin almost 300 postcard denouncing Hitler and the war–and pay the penalty for their protest.
ATTICA (1980)
A day by day chronicle of the 4 days in 1971 when dissatisfied Attica convicts took over part of the state prison & held guards hostage while they negotiated their demands.
Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
To read my review of this sequel to the classic Blade Runner, click on the image.
Hunger Games: Mocking Jay Part 2 (2015)
In the last of this sci-fi series Katniss sees the dark side of war & politics as she continues to be the symbol of revolt against Pres. Snow’s tyranny.
The Year of Living Dangerously (1982)
A green journalist from Australia in Jakarta is mentored by a Eurasian dwarf photographer & is changed from career-obsession to caring for the poor.
Metalhead (2013)
Grieving the death of her brother, Hera takes his guitar & all to become a metalhead, often acting out her anger inappropriately. Peace comes to her through an unconventional pastor & her mother, who has just let go of her own grief.
Snowpiercer (2013)
Don’t miss this Sci-Fi thriller about survivors of a Big Freeze struggling on super-train! Click the headline to read my entire review.
The Lego Movie (2014)
Ordinary guy Emmet unexpectedly becomes the leader of a revolt of Lego persons saving their city from being glued in place by Mr. Businessman.