Weekly News, April 19, 2021
Tell friends about this new online resource section, We Are Caregivers. Got questions or suggestions for stories we should share? Contact us at [email protected].
Joining with the Solutions Journalism Network to help caregivers
OUR PUBLISHING HOUSE is making an ongoing commitment to collaborate with the Journalism Solutions Network (JSN) to encourage news media coverage of helpful ideas for America’s more than 50 million caregivers—especially those who serve as lifelines for aging men and women. In this story, we report on the JSN’s efforts, then we link to the new JSN website that showcases recent reporting—and finally we share a video-preview of our own important contribution to this network: the new book “Now What? A Guide to the Gifts and Challenges of Aging.”
Catholic Nuns are in decline, but they’re also a font of creativity
PATRICIA MONTEMURRI, one of the veteran writers who contributed to the new “Now What?” book just published a major magazine-style overview for The Detroit Free Press exploring the challenges facing Catholic women religious. The headline on her story captures this fascinating article’s theme: “What is the future for Catholic sisters? There isn’t just one answer but there is hope in what is happening in Michigan and the nation.” (PLEASE NOTE: We apologize in advance if you cannot see this story. We are aware that the Free Press website has a paywall that bars non-subscribers from seeing much content. However, the site does allow a very limited number of articles to be read. Patricia’s feature story is so compelling, we’re hoping you’ll be able to read it.)
Pastoral Caregiving in America’s Struggle for Justice
CAREGIVING TAKES MANY FORMS and clergy across the United States devoted prayers and spiritual counsel for worshipers over the past week as the trial over the death of George Floyd nears its conclusion. One that especially caught our eye was this eloquent pastoral letter from Bishop David Bard, who oversees United Methodist congregations across Michigan and Minnesota. Bard’s headline: Repairing the Breach, Restoring the Streets.