This is about three amazing people who are all connected. Two live in Michigan and one in Australia. All three are messengers of hope.
GodSigns readers know I believe good things can come from bad things. That can be hard to remember when you’re in the slough of despond—where I was mired in the early 2000s. In the middle of stage 4 uterine cancer treatment, I met an angel named Pam Good.
Pam founded Beyond Basics, a company that provides professional reading tutors to elementary and high school students. Our family funded Pam’s first school. While I was in treatment, my husband Burton taught photography there. I wrote about Pam some years ago under the headline: “Pam Good and Friends Change Detroit’s Destiny One Kid at a Time”
Back then Pam introduced us to her friend Jack Krasula. This past summer, I was overjoyed to attend Pam and Jack’s wedding.
Jack, an entrepreneur, started a YouTube channel. Through AIP Speaker Series, Jack sends out frequent essays on spiritual matters. They have Christian overtones. While I’m not Christian, I find the essays meaningful and thought provoking.
Though our access routes differ, Pam, Jack and I share a belief in God. For me, it’s a little like driving to northern Michigan via I-75 or more scenic back roads. The destination remains the same.
Having founded, run and sold an IT services company, Jack began TrustInUs, LLC, devoted to the concept “With God Anything is Possible.” In his weekly show on WJR radio, he’s conversed with over 1000 of his heroes. These include guests as diverse as NBA star Dave Bing, who was mayor of Detroit; Mother Antonia, who lived in a Mexican jail so she could minister to pimps and drug dealers; and preacher Nick Vujicic, who was born with no arms or legs but has preached to millions worldwide.
Jack’s also had a lifelong passion for autographs. In third grade, his teacher, a nun, assigned him to write to senators and governors, requesting signatures. Instead, Jack chose to write to his “heroes”: Ernie Banks, Mickey Mantle and Willie Mays—all Baseball Hall of Famers.
Over the years, Jack has collected autographs, most accompanied by personal philosophies, from legends as diverse as poet Robert Frost and inventor Thomas Edison {“dyslexic,” Jack says. “Thrown out of school in third grade.”). From Albert Einstein (hand-written in German). Winston Churchill (“loved cigars and loved to drink”). Bill Wilson, founder of the 12 Step Program. Nelson Rockefeller. Henry Ford. IBM’s Thomas Watson. Britain’s Margaret Thatcher. And thousands more.
Jack’s dozens of albums of autographs are often accompanied by videos of famous people he’s interviewed. Most include their philosophies of life. Jack plans to make them available online.
As for Pam, the program she began 20 years ago has a remarkable track record. Beyond Basics brings students up to grade level reading ability within 6 to 13 weeks of intensive coaching. Pam now has 300 employees who work in 52 schools throughout Michigan.
Pam visited Burton and me in NoMI during summer 2023, a few days before my husband died.
Coincidentally, Pam learned that evangelist Nick Vujicic (pronounced Voyavich), whom she and Jack had met, was speaking at nearby Bay Harbor Church. Pam and I attended. I was astonished to see a handsome young man with no arms or legs propel his torso back and forth on a riser and speak with humor and grace.
The take-away for anyone lucky enough to see Nick, a world-renowned preacher, is powerful. You can’t help but be inspired to overcome whatever may be holding you back. Pam and I met Nick backstage after his talk. Together we said a prayer for my dear husband. It eased my heart and, I hope, Burton’s passing.
Back to Jack, who estimates he’s interviewed about 1,000 people on his radio show. These include author Mitch Albom, saxophonist Kenny G and Coach Tom Izzo. About his program, Jack says, “I’m not the host. I’m the beneficiary.”
Regarding his personal philosophy, Jack’s observation applies to Pam and Nick as well. “Service to God is the rent we pay for the privilege of being alive.”
Thanks, Jack, Pam and Nick, for paying the rent and then some.
You are all gifts to humanity.