
Well folks, ‘This Writer’s Life’ turns one year old this week — 72 posts, 8000+ visitors, nearly three hundred comments. When I was toying with entering this world of posts (can you tell I’m avoiding the ‘b’ word) I wondered what would be the point of it. Could I keep it up with any sort of regularity? What would I write about? Would it be the e-quivalent to the one-hand clapping koan — What kind of sound does an unread web-log make?

Industry wags say “Do you have a blog?” is one of the first questions book editors ask, using that ‘b’ word I have never grown to love, or even like. Alas, I wish I could testify to that one but I cannot. We’re still working on the agent angle that precedes the editor angle. But this space did bring me to the attention of the wonderful people at Good Housekeeping. That right there has brought a huge professional leap. Thank you K.K. Schmier and the terrific staff there at GH.

I surprised myself by enjoying what has shaken out to be a weekly endeavor. You all have turned it from one-hand clapping emptiness into a two-handed partnership. We are all busy, pulled by various media competing for our eyeball time — newspapers (remember them?), books, magazines, the internet. And so I am deeply grateful to each and every one of your for visiting my virtual word room, for leaving wise comments and praiseful emails. Thank you.

Have decided to celebrate this one year anniversary with a look back. Listed below are links to seven favorites. If you’re new to This Writer’s Life you can catch up. If you’re a longtime reader, revisit some you might have missed. No pressure, just pleasure — which is what this new writing experience has turned out to be. Thank you for making it so.


ps I think I’ve just might have coined an alternative to the detested ‘blog’ word. Up there in paragraph three I referred to this space as a ‘word room.’ What about ‘droom?’ Kind of has a Stranger in a Strange Land feel to it. Rhymes with ‘vroom.’ ‘Droom’ might even be ‘dream’s’ ramped-up cousin. As a noun — I wrote a droom. OR– I read a great post on someone’s droom. As a verb — I droomed on the state of the world today. I’ve been drooming for a year. What do you think? And wouldn’t it be a hoot and a half if it sticks???? Droom on!

The Super Seven:
In Memory of McKenzie
Memories on the Halfshell
Burgess Meredith & Me
Animal School
Strike While the Thought is Hot
Paper Chase
Morning Glories Lost

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5 thoughts on “Anniversary

  1. Christy

    Droom on indeed. I’ve got hard drive issues here, but I’m also cleaning/purging and working. I woke early this morning with my head going. Happy Droom anniversary. Stick with it, I have a feeling that your break is coming. 🙂

  2. Vivian DeGain

    Mazel Tov Debra for one year’s anniversary! Your work is wonderful and it is always a pleasure to read your contributions! Keep up the good work, one day at a time leads to 365 days of creativity. Vivian DeGain

  3. Aunt Judy

    Forget that I’m prejudiced – I know meaningful insights paired with good writing when I see it! You go, girl!!!

  4. Cindy L

    Let me join in late to send my kudos and congrats. (As the weather turns warm, and the garden calls, I’m not online as much…) As you point out, there are a lot of good things competing for attention these days. Beyond papers, magazines, and books, we now have bajillions of blogs to choose from. Though I don’t always have time to read ’em all, or comment, I always read your wonderful writing Debra! Glad you joined the bloggy world and are sharing your insights with us.

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