His Lens/My Pen #10: Row Your Boat

Martin saw this sweet little boat tethered behind a house on the canal in Venice, California. What caught my eye? Those caned backrests, such a hospitable adaptation for comfortable boating. I got to thinking about what it means to go rowing with someone.  I could take this metaphor all the way to the Pacific Ocean and back. Consider: how much smoother the ride when the right person’s rowing with you; how crucial it is to match strokes so you reach your desired destination with a minimum of turbulence; how rowing partners share some dreams yet pursue others solo in untested waters. The reflections flow on and on.

What about you? Where is your boat pointed today? Who’s rowing with you?

Is a friend or loved one about to embark upon a journey? Or a dream? Send them this card in celebration, and encourage them to keep rowing till they are exactly where they want to be. And if you live near the Birmingham Bloomfield Art Association in Michigan, they are now available in the BBAC’s gallery!

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