Tile Mom

OK, I have eleventy million things to do today before I pick up my beloved daughter (she of the photographs two weeks ago). Just came home from a 7 am yoga class ready to shower and dress and hit the libraryBorder’sthe bankandthegrocery and then on to the airport. But then I opened my computer and saw my friend Debbie Hecht has updated her website and added a new poem. I got lost in her words and just have to share them with you.

I met Debbie’s mother before I met her. Marjorie took one look at me, my infant son in my arms and said, “You’re little like my daughter. She has a new baby, too. You two should get together.” So one cold January morning I bundled Elliot up in his blue snowsuit and set out for Debbie’s house. Sure enough, you couldn’t average our heights and
reach 5’3″. Her son, Sam, and mine began their lifelong friendship that snowy day.

Twenty-five years of cold mornings later Debbie and I are still friends and her creativity still dazzles me, still leaves me breathless. On this cold morning, another snowstorm in the offing and grim news boiling over like a toxic spill, I give you the gift of her website. Read all the poems. Take in her tile work. You’ll see a familiar face if you click the link “overglaze on tile.” I hope her words and images lift your heart as much as they always do mine.

the “Debs” in spring

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8 thoughts on “Tile Mom

  1. Cindy L

    Oh — I love this post, and love the photo of the two of you! It should be on a greeting card. Isn’t it wonderful to have creative friends who inspire us? I include you on my list of those!

  2. Debra

    Thank you one and all. Cindy, you might be right about the greeting card. Celebrating friendship!
    We just showed up in nearly the same thing.

  3. Cindy F

    Wonderful post! I loved seeing the two of you and reading about Debbie via you as well!
    Fabulous picture to view on this snowy day.

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