Michigan Communicators: See you Sept. 25 at ETS in Detroit

HOPE TO SEE YOU from 9 a.m. to 12-Noon on Friday September 25!

We are meeting at Detroit’s Ecumenical Theological Seminary: http://www.etseminary.edu/home-1.html

The address is: 2930 Woodward Ave, Detroit, MI 48201

There should be plenty of on-site parking. And, this gathering, I know, will bring many newsy threads together around our circle of professional communicators. Special thanks go to the InterFaith Leadership Council’s Bob Bruttell and our host Dr. Stephen Butler Murray, the new head of ETS.

Many of us are familiar with ETS and its historic location, but if you have not visited the site: You’re in for a treat!

ETS is a nationally known, innovative, urban seminary in the Christian tradition but with students of other faiths as well. It’s home is the 19th-century building originally constructed for Detroit’s First Presbyterian Church. And, if you know your Michigan religious history, you’ll know that (long before this building was constructed in the late 1800s), First Presbyterian was associated with pioneering ecumenical leader, scholar and professional communicator John Monteith. That amazing clergyman joined forces with the Catholic pioneer Gabriel Richard to engage in publishing and also, in their spare time, to found the University of Michigan. Think your schedule is busy? Imagine Monteith and Richard doing all of that without even a telephone system to connect them!

So, we’re visiting a building with spiritual and professional resonance for all of us.

Please come. You’ll make our gathering more lively and our ability to share ideas and news more effective.

We hope to see you in our circle that morning.

And, yes, it’s OK to invite colleagues, if you wish.


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