See you at Michigan Communicators on Friday June 17


PLAN NOW TO ATTEND the next Michigan Communicators gathering on Friday June 17, 2016, from 9 a.m. until Noon, at Cass Community Social Services in Detroit with our host Faith Fowler.

Address: 11745 Rosa Parks Blvd. The entrance to the parking lot is off of Webb.

Why June 17? Over the past decade, our organization has been meeting usually on “the last Friday of the odd-numbered months”—but in 2015 we found insurmountable conflicts around Memorial Day weekend and, once again, we’ve decided to combine the “summer meetings” into a single June gathering.

Why Faith? As your coordinator, I’ve found that wherever I travel in Michigan one of the most talked-about religious innovators in our state is the Rev. Faith Fowler. Across the country, people are talking about her “D” sandals made from old tires dumped in empty lots across the city of Detroit.

Earlier, the Wall Street Journal covered her paper shredding business with the unique twist that its employees were adults who were beginning literacy training—so clients could hire paper-shredding crews with employees guaranteed not to read their sensitive papers. The WSJ thought the idea was brilliant.

But that’s not all—Cass is responsible for a vast number of meals and also housing opportunities for needy Detroiters. More recently, Cass opened a publishing house as well as a tea company.

PLEASE ATTEND—Our gathering begins, as usual, with a walk-and-talk time with our host. So you’ll get a chance to meet Faith and hear her tell the story of this amazingly innovative faith-based center in the city. Then, we also will have our usual roundtable for sharing news, updates and asking for help around the circle of professional communicators. We begin promptly at 9 a.m. and end at 12-Noon.

Have a colleague or friend you want to bring along? We always welcome newcomers.

Email me at [email protected] with any questions. Look forward to seeing you!

David Crumm

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