And So It Goes (2014)

A cranky self-absorbed realtor about to retire is changed when he has to take custody of his unknown granddaughter. His kind neighbor, a lounge singer, is a great help in this process.

Wish I Was Here (2014)

In this comedy/drama a non-practicing Jewish husband/father, struggling to find a job as an actor, wrestles with financial problems, his father’s impending death, his faith, & relationships with his wife & 2 kids.

Matewan (1987)

Based on the “coal wars” in WV during the 1920s, this is the story of Joe coming to town to organize the strikers into a union. To win, he must unite all factions–whites, Italians, & blacks.

Lucy (2014)

A young woman ingests a drug increasing her brainpower. Ppursued by a drug lord she connects to a brain specialist for help & arrives at god-like powers.

Mississippi Freedom Summer Project 1964: Part 4

At he end of Roger’s and my first day in Shaw I describe our Shaw “home” and part of our second day there. Monday, Aug. 10 I must describe “home.” It is a lovely old white – or once was–a wooden structure. The lumber must have been milled in Reconstruction days judging by the appearance of it. The front porch threatens …