The Exception (2016)

Early during WW 2 SS Capt. Brandt, head of the security detail for ex-Kaiser Wilhelm II, falls in love with a Jewish maid who is a spy, & must choose duty or love & the right.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)

Led by the daughter of the designer of the Death Star, a team of Rebels infiltrate the Imperial data center to find the plans of the Death Star that reveal its built-in flaw before it is operable.

Risen (2016)

RISEN is the story of a Roman tribune charged by Gov. Pilate to investigate the disappearance of the body of Christ. The hardened soldier is transformed by his discovery.

Peter and Paul (1981)

Drawing on the Book of Acts and the letters of Peter and Paul, this adventure drama brings to life the two apostles and the beginnings of the church.