Katherine Paterson: An Interview with the Author of Bridge to Terabithia

This telephone interview with the author is reprinted from the Spring 2007 issue of Visual Parables. The review of the Disney film based on the book is also included in that issue. The release of the Disney film Bridge to Terabithia, based on a Newbery Award book, was the occasion for my interview with its author …

Georgia Rule (2007)

Rated R. Our ratings: V- 1; L- 3; S/N-3 . Running time: 1 hour 53 min. Hear, my child, your father’s instruction, and do not reject your mother’s teaching; for they are a fair garland for your head, and pendants for your neck. Proverbs 1:8-9 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, in the Lord …

Enchanted (2007)

Rated PG. Our ratings: V- 2; L-0; S/N-2. Running time: 1 hour 47 min. Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; for love is strong as death, passion fierce as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire, a raging flame. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can …

The Kingdom (2007)

Rated R. Our ratings: V- 7; L- 6; S/N-1 . Running time: 1 hour 50 min. They sit in ambush in the villages; in hiding-places they murder the innocent. Their eyes stealthily watch for the helpless; they lurk in secret like a lion in its covert; they lurk that they may seize the poor; they …

I Am Legend (2007)

Rated PG-13 Our ratings: V-6; L-2; S/N-1. Running time: 1 hour 40 min. The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness— on them light has shined. Isaiah 9:2 In the same way, let your light shine before others… Matthew 5:16a No one has …