A superb film! Click the image to read my entire review.
Loving (2016)
When Richard & Mildred Loving marry in Wash DC & try to live in VA., they are arrested, their case at last landing at the Supreme CT. The Court strikes down miscegenation laws everywhere.
Miss. Freedom Summer Project Part 16
Some observations of incidents that occurred on various dates. One night while I was on duty at the Center an old man came in and asked to see “My freedoms.” Uncertain as to what he meant, I tried to draw him out. He kept saying, “My freedoms. You know – they’re written down, and …
The Rosa Parks Story (2002)
When Rosa Parks, sec. of the local NAACP, refuses to give up her bus seat to a white man, her arrest galvanizes Montgomery’s blacks, led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., to boycott the buses.
Selma (2014)
Prepare for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day by going to see this wonderful movie. Click the movie’s title to read my entire review.
Miss. Freedom Summer Project Part 13
Friday night we ate supper in what could only be described as a “dive.” We would have been scared to death to enter such a place in the North. People sitting around drinking & talking. Several dancing, many of them quite high. Everyone nodding or saying hello as we walked in. Roger & I …
Miss. Freedom Summer Project Part 12
Wednesday. We said good-bye to Doug Marr who was returning to Conn. Wish we’d had more time together. Doug graduated from seminary the same year I did. (1963) He’s a person you really enjoy sitting down & exchanging ideas with. Later in the morning Roger & I drove Lisa over to the Gulf station …
Miss. Summer Freedom Project – Part 11
When I was writing the account of what happened on Monday the 10th I forgot a few things. Around 11 AM there were a great many young children at the Center. A group of us gathered together for stories & work on the blackboard in reading. Then I gathered some old newspapers & started …
Miss. Summer Freedom Project (Part 10)
More on Tuesday, August 11. We finished canvassing Choctaw–all but four or five signed up (to join the Miss. democratic Freedom Party). The whites scared them but their desire to strike out at the system overcame their fears. An old woman, however, refused to sign. Two different couples talked with her; they used about every …
Miss. Summer Freedom Project (Part 8)
On Monday morning we ate and then went to the church where we were to teach. I was to teach geography. We waited for two hours, but only two potential students showed up – and they wanted science, the teacher of which wasn’t there at the time! We wasted Tuesday morning also but no one …