Cover Story: A Delightful Year of Holidays & Festivals Is Unfolding Around the World

Every week through every year—we celebrate our colorful world!

THANKS TO OUR HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS COLUMNIST STEPHANIE FENTON, our ReadTheSpirit magazine has been covering a variety of celebrations, commemorations and observances around the world since 2007. That’s more than 850 weekly issues in which Stephanie has shared colorful stories of the ways our communities mark spiritual and cultural milestones, each year.

This week’s Cover Story is the unveiling of Stephanie’s 2024 calendar. We know that, over many years, readers both in the U.S. and in other parts of the world have used Stephanie’s calendar as a guide to expressions of religious and cultural diversity. We are aware of her column being used by chaplains in health care systems and other major institutions, community leaders, civic officials, educators and other media professionals. Once again in 2024, please feel free to share Stephanie’s calendar—and her ongoing weekly columns that appear in our online magazine—and please include a credit line for Stephanie and our magazine for this service we have been providing for 17 years.

Got a question about the calendar? Have you spotted a “missing” observance that you would like us to include? Found a typo or an issue to clarify? Please email us at [email protected] 


WANT TO SEE ALL OF THE UPCOMING HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS?—It’s easy to find our annual calendar of global observances. Just remember the web address:


From Our Authors—

Laura Elizabeth announces:

‘Murder Mystery Dinners’ based on her cozy mystery

THE FIRST AUTHOR IN OUR NEW COZY MYSTERY IMPRINT, Laura Elizabeth has become a true innovator in book marketing. This week, she is announcing that—in her home state of Georgia—she will be cooperating with Kaya Vineyard and Winery to host three “Murder Mystery Dinners,” based on the story of her popular novel All Is Now Lost. In her newest newsletter to readers, Laura announced to her fans that her beloved characters “Carr, Barb, and Tripp will come to life under the tent at Kaya Vineyards on March 3rd, 8th, and 9th. More information and ticket options can be found on Kaya’s website.” Bravo to you, Laura! And, if any of our far-flung ReadTheSpirit readers are interested in these Georgia events—please follow that link.


Jeffrey Munroe:

Our 1st Book Launch in 2024 is Telling Secrets in the Dark

VISIT OUR FRONT EDGE PUBLISHING website for a brief preview and links to pre-order our first new book of 2024—Telling Secrets in the Dark by Jeffrey Munroe.

Our regular readers also may recall our big November 2023 announcement of this new publishing imprint with The Reformed Journal—which has has been, for many decades, one of the leading Christian magazines published in America.


George Mason on:

The Shifting Landscape for Pastors

IN THE OPENING DAYS OF THIS NEW YEAR, the widely respected pastor George A. Mason appeared in a new Cooperative Baptist Fellowship podcast about “the shifting landscape for pastors and preachers.” George’s new book, The Word Made Fresh, available from Amazon, has brought a new national spotlight on his inspiring style of preaching and teaching while embracing inclusion. We’re sure many of our readers will enjoy this CBF audio conversation with George, focused on emerging issues that thousands of churches are facing in 2024.


Rodney Curtis:

Award-winning photographer and author showcases a year of favorite photographs

YOU’LL DEFINITELY WANT TO CLICK OVER to Rodney Curtis’s website this week to enjoy his collection of “My Favorite Pictures of the Year.” The selections include, of course, Rodney’s family as well as their adventures in New Zealand and Montreal. Among the best photos of 2023 are some downright cuuuute baby photos as well!

Rodney greets us all in this gallery: “Wow, what a year! I was unbelievably fortunate to have traveled through three countries over the past twelve months and also receive a new granddaughter along the way.” So, c’mon, take a peek!



Calling All Writers—And Readers:

Please, Join Us on Goodreads in 2024

AS WE BEGIN THIS NEW YEAR, we hope you’ll enjoy connecting with our publishing house team on Goodreads, the worldwide social-media network for book lovers. In this week’s Front Edge Publishing column, Editor David Crumm writes about how Goodreads really can become a wonderful community of friends who enjoy reading—and you’ll find easy links to connect with David and Front Edge’s Susan Stitt as well.



Click this poster for the new version of The Color Purple to read Ed McNulty’s review.

Click this photograph of Edward McNulty from his service in Freedom Summer in Mississippi in 1964 to read our tribute to his remarkable career.

Faith & Film

ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Most of his work is freely published. Ed supports his work by selling the Visual Parables Journal, a monthly magazine packed with film reviews and discussion guides. This resource is used nationwide by individuals who love the movies and by educators, clergy and small-group leaders.

Here are some of Ed’s most recent free reviews and columns:








