Cover Story: For Lent, these Texas Christians commit to being “cross yielding” rather than “cross wielding”

Hearing George A. Mason’s call for a different way of seeing our world

COVER STORY—This week, we welcome Texas-based writer and editor Ann Worley, who tells us about her congregation’s decision to host a Lenten series of discussions about what Christianity should “yield” in our world—at a time when they are aware of many who claim to be Christians, trying to “wield” the church’s power in ways that contribute to our world’s deep divisions. Inspired by George A. Mason’s new book, The Word Made Fresh, Ann’s church is talking about compassionate ways to respond to the traumas roiling our nation and the world.

“It’s important right now for Christians to think about how we can be cross yielding rather than cross wielding,” Ann tells us.

What exactly does that phrase mean? Well, please, read Ann’s Cover Story and share it with friends this week via social media and email. That simple act of sharing a link to Ann’s story can add a little more good news in our troubled times.



March also brings the start of Ramadan

A time of fasting, reflection and hospitality among our Muslim neighbors

JOE GRIMM, DIRECTOR OF MSU’S BIAS BUSTERS brings us this overview of Ramadan, written especially for our non-Muslim readers who want to be ready for this worldwide observance.


And, did you know?

Our Baha’i friends and neighbors also will be fasting

HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS COLUMNIST STEPHANIE FENTON brings us this story about the Baha’i Nineteen Day fast, which begins this week.


In March, your social media sharing could save a life

It’s true—say these internationally known social-media advocates

CANCER-PATIENT ADVOCATE HOWARD BROWN writes this column about the importance of sharing messages on social media during Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month in March. And he shares a truly inspirational treat! He welcomes into his podcast Allison Rosen who has gone viral on Tik Tok with her cancer-awareness advocacy. It’s not a stretch to say that a moment of your time—reading and sharing this news—just might save a life. That’s the goal of this special month.


WANT TO SEE ALL OF THE UPCOMING HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS?—It’s easy to find our annual calendar of global observances. Just remember the web address:



From Our Writers—

Suzy Farbman is back with quite a cats’ tale

GodSigns author and veteran journalist Suzy Farbman shares a story this week of friends who have special bonds with their cats—and, of course, the column comes with several cute cat photos.



Faith & Film

Click on this movie poster to read Ed McNulty’s review of American Fiction.

Click on this image from the front of the February 2024 issue of Visual Parables Journal, which is packed with reviews and discussion guides. Films covered in this issue include the new Genius series MLK/X, Origin, The Book of Clarence, Mean Girls and the Dreamseller.

ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Most of his work is freely published. Ed supports his work by selling the Visual Parables Journal, a monthly magazine packed with film reviews and discussion guides. This resource is used nationwide by individuals who love the movies and by educators, clergy and small-group leaders.

Here are some of Ed’s most recent free reviews and columns:








