COVER STORY: In ‘Chicken Scratch,’ veteran writer Ann Byle invites us to join her creative flock

Are you ready to take the next step in your creative life?

COVER STORY—Veteran journalist, writing coach and author Ann Byle invites readers into her back yard for some downright fun ideas about sparking our creativity—lessons gleaned from Ann’s years of raising chickens. More than 10 million Americans now raise chickens, an increase since the pandemic began several years ago—but this book is not limited to those who actually raise chickens. In fact, the book is not intended to convince you to set up your own backyard coop.

Ann’s goal is far larger! Whatever your dream may be—from writing to painting to becoming a gourmet chef or a talented craftsman with wood or fabric or glass—Ann’s got some solid advice about how to make that dream a reality. Please enjoy this week’s cover story and share this story with friends. Chicken Scratch is an ideal book for small-group discussion in your congregation or community.



From our Writers—

George Mason

… and Speaking of Community-based Ideas for Health & Nutrition

IN A NEW VIDEO PODCAST SERIES, called “More Than Food for Thought,” the Rev. Dr. George A. Mason heads out of the studio and into an at-risk community in Dallas where life expectancies are well below the national average. One reason is a lack of healthy, affordable food in that area—until a new kind of community-based grocery opened earlier this year. Please enjoy this short video report from Dallas and then share it with friends, because you’ll quickly see what a great idea these folks are pioneering.

Community-building ideas also are a core theme in George’s new book, The Word Made Fresh: Preaching God’s Love for Every Body.



Dan McQuown

A Creative Idea for Student Sharing of Faith on Campus

CHAPLAIN DAN McQUOWN has contributed fresh ideas to our online magazine over the years. In this column, he summarizes a Faith in Transition program that he developed at a small college to encourage high school and college students to come together and share faith experiences.


David Gushee

Visiting communities across the U.S. and Europe

BEST-SELLING CHRISTIAN AUTHOR DAVID GUSHEE just posted his Fall 2023 speaking schedule via his newsletter, which is archived on Substack. Autumn venues include Florida, Georgia, New York and Texas. He also is, once again, appearing across Europe, including appearances in Ukraine, Lithuania and the UK.

Would you like to schedule an appearance? Here is the Speaking Events resource page on his website, where you can learn about his most popular topics and formats. Any appearance is more valuable for you and your community if folks have read his two most influential books:



Howard Brown

Lifting your spirits with Regina Rossi & Raquel Stewart

THE POPULAR Shining Brightly PODCAST hosted by Howard Brown welcomes two sure-to-make-you-smile life coaches: Regina Rossi and Raquel Stuart, who call their joint work Rise and Thrive Together.  You’ll find their conversation labeled Episode 36, new this week on Howard’s website.



Holidays & Milestones


Tisha B’Av

OFTEN REFERRED TO AS “the saddest day in the Jewish year,” Tisha B’Av traditionally is a fast that recalls tragedies experienced by the Jewish people on this day. Holidays & Festivals columnist Stephanie Fenton tells us more about this centuries-old tradition.


Lammas, Lughnasadh

AS AUGUST BEGINS and grains turn golden in the fields of the Northern Hemisphere, Christians and Pagans (and many others from areas of England, Ireland and Scotland) mark the ancient festival of the wheat harvest.



WANT TO SEE ALL OF THE UPCOMING HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS?—It’s easy to find our annual calendar of global observances. Just remember the web address:



Click on the movie poster to read Ed McNulty’s review of the Barbie movie.

Click on this image to learn more about the July 2023 issue of Visual Parables Journal, packed with movie reviews and discussion guides.

Faith & Film

ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Most of his work is freely published. Ed supports his work by selling the Visual Parables Journal, a monthly magazine packed with discussion guides to films. This resource is used coast-to-coast by individuals who love the movies and by educators, clergy and small-group leaders.

Here are some of Ed’s most recent free reviews and columns:












