Cover Story: Isn’t it about time for ‘Dropping the Struggle’?


MEET ROGER HOUSDEN—In one week, millions of Americans are going to fear what will happen next in our world. Whoever “wins” on November 8, millions of “us” as Americans will be very hurt and angry. However high your partisan hopes may be this week—we need to remember this truth about “the other side” if we truly share a vocation of peacemaking. After 10 years in publication, our online magazine has drawn together thousands of readers united by that hope: We can contribute to a better world through pursuing the hope of peace. (This literally is part of the founding principles we posted one decade ago as we launched ReadTheSpirit.)

In searching for the proper Cover Story to prepare for November 8, we thank the team at the New World Library for providing two excerpts from Roger Housden’s new book, Dropping the Struggle. One way to look at Housden’s book is as a classic Eastern appeal to end the spiritual strife, striving and struggling in our lives. After all, Housden is a close colleague of spiritual sages who have appeared in the pages of our magazine over the past decade, including Ram Das, Thich Nhat Hanh and Jacob Needleman. Housden also is British—so he’s not a partisan in American politics.

But as November 8 approaches in the U.S., the message of his book seems to resonate with a powerful spiritual “click.” Whatever happens on Election Day, remember: Millions of “us,” our neighbors, will be hurting. First, read this excerpt from the “Introduction” to Housden’s book.

Then, here is an excerpt of his chapter on struggling with “Change” itself.




GOD SIGNS—This week, Suzy Farbman’s GodSigns column tells the inspiring story of the late Dr. Eve Lahti, who was a pioneer as a physician and was a beloved working Mom as well. And, yes, there’s a remarkable, romantic “GodSigns” twist in the course of Eve’s long life. Enjoy!






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EXPLORING THE REFORMATION—There’s no bigger anniversary in our lifetime than the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. A year-long commemoration of that revolution begins on October 31, 2016. Editor David Crumm collaborates with Berlin-based correspondent Maria-Paz Lopez this week in a Cover Story about six important tips for accurately exploring this milestone in world history. Want a movie with that? Faith-and-film reviewer Ed McNulty reminds us that the 2003 film about Luther is quite good. (4.5 out of 5 stars)




SAMHAIN / DIA DE LOS MUERTOS—Yes, these festivals have ancient roots. But the modern expressions show how much traditional ideas can be transformed by popular culture. Holidays specialist Stephanie Fenton sorts the facts from the phantasms in these super-popular festivals.




SHARE THE NEWS—Our column on Bullying Prevention Month is a one-stop web page for quickly gathering the information you’ll need to get friends involved in combatting bigotry and predatory behavior.




ED McNULTY—Enjoy all of the free resources from Ed McNulty’s faith-and-film website:

Among Ed’s latest movie reviews are:







