Cover Story: Jeffrey Munroe on the power of ‘Telling Stories in the Dark’: ‘When we tell our stories, others find their own healing and hope’

A heartfelt story of family and friends—in which you are likely to recognize your own story, too

THAT’S THE TRANSFORMATIVE POWER JEFFREY MUNROE WRITES ABOUT in his new book Telling Stories in the Dark. When we honestly share our stories of sadness, grief, trauma and pain—we discover that others are living out these same stories. We find hope and healing—and our friends and families do as well.

In our Cover Story this week, ReadTheSpirit Editor David Crumm interviews Jeff, asking questions many of Jeff’s early readers have raised about this unique book. Please read this story and share it with friends this week via social media and email. You may be surprised, when you share this story, how many people will thank you.



From Our Authors—

Laura Elizabeth:

The challenges and the fun of launching a first book

In our recent Front Edge Publishing columns, we have been reporting on ways to develop and to participate in successful podcasts, which are a vital gateway to expanding your audience—whether you are an author or a scholar or a community or religious leader. This week, we are featuring a really engaging podcast hosted by author Peter Greenwood, interviewing our cozy mystery author Laura Elizabeth. It’s a great glimpse into the experience of first-time publishing and it’s a solid example of a well-produced podcast by Peter.



‘We are not born to hate’

HERE’S A POWERFUL AND TIMELY AFFIRMATION from our author Howard Brown—thanks to writer Debra L. Eckerling and the Los Angeles-based Jewish Journal. Debra’s profile of Howard shares some of Howard’s very practical advice for making the world a little better, each day. It’s the kind of story that’s inspiring to read and is likely to bring a smile to your friends if you share it on social media.

Of course, the best way to get a dose of Howard’s wisdom is to get a copy of his book, Shining Brightly.

Or, you can visit Howard at his website, where you can download free PDFs with wisdom distilled on several themes: Mentorship, Survivorship and Interfaith Bridge Bulding. Those download links are in the navy blue area on this page.


Holidays & Festivals

Holocaust Remembrance

ON JANUARY 27 EACH YEAR, people around the world observe one of the two annual days to memorialize the Holocaust—a remembrance that is especially timely and sorely needed in 2024. Our columnist Stephanie Fenton has the story and includes lots of helpful links to further reading and resources.

Still Honoring Dr. King

IF YOU MISSED IT LAST WEEK, we marked Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday with a special cover story featuring author Greg Garrett and his new book about James Baldwin. We’ve heard from a number of readers who were “off” when last Monday’s issue of ReadTheSpirit appeared, so we are repeating a link to that inspiring cover story about Jame Baldwin’s prophetic life and legacy, this week, as well.


WANT TO SEE ALL OF THE UPCOMING HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS?—It’s easy to find our annual calendar of global observances. Just remember the web address:



Click the movie poster for The Book of Clarence to read faith-and-film critic Edward McNulty’s review.

Faith & Film

Click on this image from the front cover of the January 2024 issue of Visual Parables Journal to learn more about this resource enjoyed by individuals and small groups nationwide.

ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Most of his work is freely published. Ed supports his work by selling the Visual Parables Journal, a monthly magazine packed with film reviews and discussion guides. This resource is used nationwide by individuals who love the movies and by educators, clergy and small-group leaders.

Here are some of Ed’s most recent free reviews and columns:








