Cover Story: ‘Struck by Hope’ tells of one woman’s transformation that led her to help families nationwide


COVER STORY—Along with the editors at Breast Cancer Wellness Magazine, we are celebrating the publication of Jeanine Patten-Coble’s inspiring memoir: Struck By Hope. The book tells the true story of her spiritual transformation after a diagnosis of cancer—a turning point that led her to become the founder of a nationwide program that provides week-long retreats to families grappling with cancer. Jeanine’s story is so powerful that the CNN television network has named her a “CNN Hero.”

Here is how Jeanine begins to describe that process of transformation: “On the absolute worst possible day in my life, the day I dreaded telling my son about my cancer, God showed up. … He knocked me over. If it had been a scene out of a cartoon, it would have been God with a big huge frying pan hitting me over the head, stars swirling around me. God’s calling can be big and powerful moments, faint voices, or small and tender nudges. It can be a voice in the darkness or a trumpet in the light.”

Those words from Jeanine appear in bright red type in the two-page feature about Jeanine in the Fall 2017 issue of Breast Cancer Wellness Magazine. 

The magazine reports that Jeanine’s spiritual transformation was the key to “what she calls a ‘ridiculously present life’ and to create a nonprofit to provide free, week-long vacations for breast cancer patients and their families to reconnect and celebrate life together. It also led Jeanine to be nominated for the 2017 CNN Heroes award. CNN Heroes is a year-long initiative that honors everyday people for their selfless, creative efforts to help others.”

Founded in 2006, Breast Cancer Wellness is a quarterly magazine that goes directly to thousands of breast cancer patients and survivors in all 50 states—as well as to several thousand health-care facilities, breast cancer support groups, and breast cancer centers and events. Click on this link to view the Fall 2017 issue in PDF format. Jeanine’s story is on page 22, so scroll down, once the magazine is visible.





Want to see all the holidays?

ST. FRANCIS DAY—Perhaps you’ve seen the growing interest in St. Francis-themed pet blessings in your community. As Stephanie Fenton reports on the Christian observance of St. Francis on October 4, she also offers resources for such occasions.



SUKKOT—Jewish families around the world begin the harvest festival of Sukkot at sundown on October 4, this year—a rare convergence with the Christian remembrance of Francis’s care for creation. (Because the Jewish lunar calendar is continually moving in relation to the secular calendar, Sukkot began October 16 in 2016 and, next year, it will begin September 23.) Our online magazine writes about Sukkot, each year, and a great way to get a feel for the festival is Bobbie Lewis’s column about her preparation of grape leaves for Sukkot—complete with a delicious recipe.




GOD SIGNS—This week, Suzy Farbman profiles Don Spear, today better known as co-founder of the OpenSesame online hub for elearning courses. Before becoming an entrepreneur, however, he had a remarkable career as a submarine officer.





ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Most of his work is freely published. Ed supports his work by selling the Visual Parables Journala monthly magazine packed with discussion guides to films. This resource is used coast-to-coast by individuals who love the movies and by educators, clergy and small-group leaders.

Among Ed’s latest free movie reviews are:




