Angels, Saints and Golf Balls


When the police called, Marlene and Tom raced for the hospital.  On the way, they spotted their eldest daughter’s overturned  vehicle.  Marlene ran to it, screaming.  The high heeled pumps of her fun-loving, fashionable daughter sat upright, side by side, by the driver’s door, “as though she had just flown out of them,”   Marlene says.  “I felt her watching me from above.”

Five days later, Tom was reading the paper.  He said, “Oh, my God.  Another 25 year old girl was killed on the thruway.”  Marlene found the number in the phone book.  “I know what you’re going through,” she told Ann Marie’s grieving mother, Mary Ann.   She promised to call again after the funeral.  “We cried on the phone for four months,” she says.  Although the two families lived 45 minutes apart, Mary Ann suggested they meet.  They did so, at Mary Ann’s church, and decided to attend their daughters’ Masses together.

As a friendship grew, Mary Ann insisted their daughters were in heaven and wanted them to help each other.  “The girls worked fast,” Marlene says.  “Their mothers still keep in touch.  We call each other angels.”

The year after the girls died, Marlene prepared to attend a Mass for Ann Marie.  She realized something that, she says, “jolted me.”  Jackie had died on the day of The Feast of St. Catherine of Siena.  The Official Roman Catholic Church assigns one day to celebrate every canonized saint.  St. Catherine, one of two patron saints of Italy, died on April 29th, the same day that Jackie died.  The name of Mary Ann’s church:  St. Catherine of Siena.

The Godsigns continued.

Jackie died two weeks before Mother’s Day.  The Friday before the holiday, Marlene asked her daughter to for a sign that she was okay.  She said: How about flowers from someone unexpected?   On Saturday afternoon, the doorbell rang.  Al, Jackie’s good friend, held out half a dozen red roses.  He kissed Marlene and wished her Happy Mother’s Day.  For the next three years, Marlene received flowers from Jackie’s friends.  More than two decades later, Marlene says, “I still have those flowers.”

Jackie loved the beach outside her parents’ condo on Siesta Key in Sarasota.  The winter after their daughter died, Marlene and Tom had trouble returning to that condo with its memories of happier times.  They stopped at an open house but had no plans of moving.  Tom made an offer.  Spotting a garden angel sitting on a wall of the lanai, Marlene said, “There’s Jackie.”  They purchased the townhouse.  “It was the best medicine.  I always felt Jackie there.”  After 20 years, they moved to their present home on a golf course in Sarasota.  Their garden angel sits on the mantel in their great room.

Recently, Marlene and Tom decided to downsize up north.  As Marlene walked the lot they were considering, she asked Jackie for a sign they were meant to be there. Playing golf had gotten Marlene out of the house and helped save her sanity during years of grieving.  Escorting her out of the wooded area, the builder said, “You wouldn’t believe how many golf balls I found on this lot.  Even a pink one.”

Pink was Jackie’s favorite color.



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4 thoughts on “Angels, Saints and Golf Balls

  1. Play Golf

    Golf’s a wonderful game, sadly I don’t get as much time to play as I used to. Still find loads of time to watch it though! – Clyne

    1. Suzy Farbman Post author

      Playing or watching–all wonderful. (Though playing well is better still!) Thanks.

  2. Bill Haney


    You’re doing a good and important thing here. As we suffer the death throes of daily newspapers and magazine of thought, as we search the electronic media for something, anything of quality and substance, it is crucial that new forms and forums emerge for worthwhile stories to be told. You are doing something that has to be done to provide a window of insight into the human condition. Good for you. Good for us.



    1. Suzy Farbman Post author

      Thanks for your thoughtful and sensitive response. I am honored to have you on board! xo

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