The Fabulous Four (2024)

The title might make some think of the Beatles, but this is not a musical film but rather another contribution to the genre of films focusing on rambunctious senior citizens—you know, movies like Eighty for Brady, The Book Club, and  Summer Camp. Jocelyn Moorhouse, directing from Ann Marie Allison and Jenna Milly raunchy script, have …

60th Anniversary of the Mississippi Freedom Summer Project, my journals, part 4

This time in Part 8 of my Journal I start by mentioning our failure to draw students for a Freedom School–not everthing was successful– and then move on to describe our meeting with the most striking person that I have ever met, Fanny Lou Hamer. It was at a Freedom Rally in Cleveland, the county …

Coup (2023)

Written and directed by Joseph Schuman and Austin Stark, this tale of class warfare takes place in a time that was as deadly as our recent Covid Pandemic, the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918. Jay Horton (Billy Magnussen) and his family—wife Julie ( Sarah Gadon) and two young children, are sheltered from the plague by …

Shogun (2024)

Set in the 1600s when Poruguese Catholics have been trading with and have converted a few Japanese, this second adaptation of James Clavell’s historical novel, created by Rachel Kondo and Justin Marks is so msemerizing that it demands binge watching. Thus far you can watch on Hulu the ten sessions already produced, with two more seasons promised. The …

Trap  (2024)

I kept thinking of the classic Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyder as I watched writer/director M. Night Shyamalan’s suspenseful film unfold. The two sides of actor Josh Hartnett are as disparate as those of actor Spencer Tracey’s character  in the 1941 version of Robert Louise Stevenson’s classic novel. The film is set in a huge …

60th Anniversary of the Mississippi Freedom Summer Project, my journals, part 3

Freedom Summer took place 60 years ago, but my memories of my experience in what semed like a different country are bolstered by the extensive journal entries I wrote  at the end of each hot day. Last week I covered our arrival at the little town of Shaw up in the Mississippi delta, the 3-room …