Desert Dancer (2014)

Forbidden to dance, an Iranian student longing for freedom forms a secret dance company. Unable to perform in Tehran, he invites fellow students into the desert, but there will be trouble ahead.

Metalhead (2013)

Grieving the death of her brother, Hera takes his guitar & all to become a metalhead, often acting out her anger inappropriately. Peace comes to her through an unconventional pastor & her mother, who has just let go of her own grief.

The Fisher King (1991)

A selfish radio jock sets into motion a mass killing & meets the crazed husband of a victim who now thinks he is a knight on a quest for the Holy Grail. Seeking atonement, the ex-jock sets out to help the “knight.”

Oscars 2014

It was a gala night at the Oscars, with my favorite 12 Years a Slave selected as “Best Picture.” I had hoped that Steve McQueen would have been chosen as Best Director because it would have become a milestone as the first African American director to be entered into this legendary circle. But giving this …