
Through interviews with writers and those who knew Salinger, this film explores the life of America’s most reclusive writer. His novel Catcher in the Rye made him both famous and publicity shy.


A dystopian tale about a revolt led by a factory worker seeking healing for his bdy ravaged by radiation in a factory accident. This can be found only on the space platform known as Elysium where the wealthy have retreated from a polluted Earth.

Closed Circuit

                       Rated R. Our ratings: V -4; L -2; S/N-3. Running time: 1 hour 36 min. Claudia and Martin appear before the special judge, but most of the drama takes place outside the courtroom. (c) 2013 Focus Featues                                            The eyes of the LORD are in every place,                …

About Visual Parables

After more than 40 years of publishing film reviews, study guides, and books, Visual Parables host Edward McNulty is a trusted friend in faith communities nationwide. His body of work explores the connections between faith and popular culture. Thousands of people have enjoyed his books, monthly journals, and have spoken with him at his workshops in …