Prepare for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day by going to see this wonderful movie. Click the movie’s title to read my entire review.
Easter & Ralph Abernathy
Yesterday my Palm Sunday sermon “What a Week: From Joy to Anguish to Victory” was better received than any I’ve preached at Bond Hill PC, mainly due to my use of something written by Ralph Abernathy in 1968 at this time of the church year. While reading a wonderful book FREEDOM DAYS I came across …
Cesar Chavez (2014)
The true story of how Cesar Chavez organized grape pickers to form the UFW and how he triumphed over powerful enemies for better wages & conditions.
KING (1978)
This made-for-TV miniseries is a good, solid introduction to Dr. King’s life, and it’s available from Amazon and Netflix. CLICK on the film’s title to read my entire review.