Opportunities to join upcoming talks by Dr. David Gushee

This week, Dr. David Gushee is inviting all of our readers to join him at upcoming events. The author of the best-selling call for the inclusion of LGBTQ Christians, Changing Our Mind, writes: “The following are events where you might enjoy finding a new network of people, organizations you want to support, and insights and information that will bring light to your life.”

Visit with Dr. David Gushee online

August 28, 9:30am ET, Riverside Church, NYC

This will be a Zoom talk on Christian Ethics for today.

Register here: www.trcnyc.org/event/introducingchristianethicsbooktalk

September 26, 9:30pm ET, Via Media “Conversations”

This conversation will carefully consider what American Evangelicalism is and perhaps ought to be. We will explore pathways forward for those who have already left and for those who are still unsettled from within. See more about this series in the link below.

Simply join here: www.viamedia.center/conversations

September 29-30, Better Capitalism Summit

How do we love our economic neighbor as ourself? How do we cultivate greater economic well-being for families, congregations, businesses, and society?

Register here: www.partnershipeconomics.com/event-details/better-capitalism-summit-atlanta-2022

October 4-6, Unavoidable Conversations Conference, New Orleans

Dialogue will flow around topics like Deconstruction, After Evangelicalism, Colonialism, the rise of Christian Nationalism, Biblicism, Racism in the Church, LGBTQ+ inclusion and Climate Change. Authors and academics like Brian Zahnd, Kristin Du Mez, Brad Jersak, David Gushee, Lisa Sharon Harper, and others

Register here: unavoidableconversations.org/

From Europe

Also of interest are two events in Europe, both in October: I’ll be speaking at the Consortium European Baptist Theological Seminaries online meeting on Christianity and Democracy, and as well at “Christianity and democracy today: International Perspectives” at the Protestant Faculty of Theology of the University of Tubingen.

Thank you for traveling together as we follow Jesus and seek a loving, ethical way to live in our world today.

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